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Royal Release on Radio Romania

Sunday, 10 May 2015 , ora 9.48

The 10th May. The Royal House of Romania in the Radio Archives (1930-1944), published by the Radio Publishing House, in collaboration with the 'Carol I' Brăila Museum, has been released today, in the presence of His Royal Highness, Prince Radu.

In an impressive atmosphere, marked by the performing of the Royal Anthem, the people attending recalled the essential historical moments when the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation was founded by Royal Decree, and mentioned the role it had during crucial moments in Romanian history.

Denise Theodoru, the manager of this editorial project, emphasized the importance of this 'document-book, good for home-reading during the evening, with kings and queens, with princes and princesses, that brings up to date memorable document-pages found in the Radio Romania Archives'.

His Royal Highness, Prince Radu himself recalled the tight bond between Radio Romania, 'the magic instrument', and the Royal House, bond that has kept the Royal Crown alive in the memories of the listeners.

Ovidiu Miculescu, the general manager of Radio Romania, deemed the release of the album as 'a cultural, historic and scientific gesture that Radio Romania is offering to the public'. Honouring the Royal House, Radio Romania is honouring itself, Ovidiu Miculescu added.

The topic of the importance of publishing this document-restoration volume was tackled by numerous journalists and cultural personalities: Adrian-Silvan Ionescu - the director of the 'G. Oprescu' History of Arts Institute, PhD. Ionel Cândea - the director of the 'Carol I' Brăila Museum and Oltea Șerban-Pârâu - the director of the Media Cultural Centre of Radio Romania.

Mirror of an age, the documents were collected in the 10th May volume. The Royal House of Romania in the Radio Archives (1930-1944), captures the evolution of two institutions - the Royal House and Radio Romania - that have faced dramatic challenges.

Additional details on the website: www.edituracasaradio.ro

Translated by Bucur Adrian and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, the University of Bucharest