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The Romanian Who is the World's Most Important Conductor

Monday, 25 February 2013 , ora 8.00
'I have realised that the only thing anyone must value above all is freedom. The freedom to choose, to be able to dedicate yourself to the thing you believe in,' declared Sergiu Celibidache, one of the many valuable people that Romania has given to the world. A unique conductor, with over 100 concerts a year, Sergiu Celibidache toured everywhere in the world, from Japan and the USA to Germany or South America, and who was loved and idolized by the entire world. However, in his home in La Neuville-sur-Essonne, close to Paris, the Romanian flag is still proudly up on the wall of the house of the man who has always stated: 'I am a Romanian and I shall die one',

which shows his great love for his native country.

Sergiu Celibidache came into the world on 28th June, 1912, in the city of Roman in Neamt, and he could already play the piano at the age of 4. At the age of 18, though, Sergiu left his home for good, aiming to become a top musician, listening to the call of music, which he would feel close to for all his life. From 1941 onwards, when he received his first job as a permanent conductor, he overcame every obstacle in order to follow his dream. Neither the poor living conditions in Berlin, during the Second World War, nor the drama of never seeing his parents again shadowed his ambitious way of working. His intense performances, finely balanced and showing strong emotions made Sergiu Celibidache become one of the greatest conductors of the 20th century.

Among other compositions, Sergiu Celibidache is the author of a few symphonies, suites 'Pocket garden' and 'Haz de necaz' (which had its world premiere at the Sergiu Celibidache International Festival, 1st edition, Bucharest, in July, 2012), as well as other works which the audience shall see soon. He was much appreciated for his unique conducting style and for his way of teaching the art of conducting, as he was a passionate professor.

Sergiu Celibidache - the Romanian who gazed at the absolute through the keyhole of music, changing our sonorous universe for good - was born, reached a point of maximum expansion then stepped over the threshold of 'musical impressions' - as the Maestro used to say.

It was for such people that the national social responsibility campaign Romanians for a world was born, started by the Sergiu Celibidache Foundation.

Romanians for a World is a tribute to great Romanian personalities who have made Romania proud and brought glory to the country all around the world and it brings our fellow citizens to the foreground, those of us who have managed to stay immortal through their activity.

The purpose of this campaign is organizing an online national competition (on www.romanipentruolume.ro and on the Facebook page

http://www.facebook.com/RomaniPentruOLume) which pays tribute to culture or to a certain personality, and people of various cultural fields can apply in order to dedicate a painting, a composition, a sculpture, a poem, etc.

After the vote of specialists and the vote of the sponsors, those who have been selected will go to the finals, where they are to be judged by a specialists' jury and by the audience. The winners are to receive scholarships in Romania and abroad.

The campaign is online at www.romanipentruolume.ro and on the Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/RomaniPentruOLume, where you may find more details about this new project organized by the Sergiu Celibidache Foundation.

Translated by Irina Borțoi and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, Bucharest University