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Oremus - Three Centuries of Sacred Music

Tuesday, 25 February 2014 , ora 8.59
The most recent double album of the Academic Radio Choir, led by Dan Mihai Goia, will be presented as a feuilleton on Polyphonies over three weeks, starting on 25th February, 2014.

"Despite all the obstacles, ups and downs inherent to a four-year work - this being the period the recordings lasted - our way progressed unceasingly", stated the conductor Dan Mihai Goia. We are, indeed, at the beginning of a very valuable and overwhelming artistic achievement which ensures our need for beauty, tranquility and equilibrium through what is the most representative in the universal and Romanian sacred music.

Felix Mendelssohn, Cesar Franck, Gioachino Rossini, Franz Schubert, Charles Gounod, Hermes Coelho, but also Anton Pann, Eusebie Mandicevshi, Ioan D.Chirescu, Vasile Spătărelu and Irina Odăgescu Țuțuianu are just a few of the composers of the double album Oremus - Three centuries of Sacred Music which was also included in the " Vote for the best classical album of 2014" campaign.

Andra Aron and Monica Cengher
Translated by Daniela Lupașcuand Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, The University of Bucharest