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Evgheni Kissin and James Levine, Live from Carnegie Hall, on Music Box, on 24th March

Monday, 24 March 2014 , ora 8.09
On 24th March 2014, at international level, it will be released an album including important names: the pianist Evgheni Kissin, the conductor James Levine, and the New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. You will also have the opportunity to listen to this album for the first time on Radio Romania Music on 24th March; this album is included in the Vote the Best Classical Album of 2014 campaign, where you are invited to give marks to the albums included in this competition.

A conductor…

We are talking about a concert which took place at Carnegie Hall in New York on 19th May, 2013; it was a concert full of special meanings, as it was the first concert conducted by Levin, after a two-year pause, due to some health problems. As you will notice, the public warmly received this conductor who, since 1971, has linked his life to the New York Metropolitan Opera, being its musical director. James Levine is one of the most respectable American conductors: his record includes 10 Grammy Awards, five of which were received together with The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, a powerful ensemble in performing both operas and symphonic music. I believe that few orchestras have woodwind section as the MET has, or such an expressive violin section, with a compact and qualitative sonority, which can be admired in the Prelude to the 1st Act of Lohengrin opera by Wagner.

A Soloist…

A highly awaited moment on 19th May, 2013, was certainly the performance of the pianist Evgheni Kissin, soloist in the Piano Concerto no.4, op.58 in G major by Ludwig van Beethoven.

To me, the recital of the pianist Evgheni Kissin during the 'George Enescu' International Festival, in September 2013, didn't seem very inspired; however, after listening to this version of the Beethoven's Concerto no.4, performed with the New York Metropolitan Orchestra and conducted by James Levine, I can say that I recognize his special talent, which is often mentioned when people talk about Kissin. Although it was not a perfectly technical performance, it was extremely expressive; the second part was constructed as a dialogue between the piano and the orchestra, this way highlighting the dramatic atmosphere of this part, which I regard as a dialogue between the human being and his faith.

Naturally, Evgheni Kissin gave an encore at Carnegie Hall on 19th May, 2013.

Again about the conductor…

″One of the most important conductors in life″… ″His return was a triumph″..″it was not just a concert, it was a holiday″- this is what the most important American newspapers wrote after the concert on 19th May, 2013. For over 40 years, James Levine is making history together with the Metropolitan Opera in New York: it is enough to mention that he conducted over 2500 performances of 85 different operas. We also listened to him on Radio Romania Music, during a live broadcast from the Metropolitan Opera House in New York, during An Evening at the Opera show, the most recent one being on 14th December, 2013. We must mention that the New York Metropolitan Orchestra performs at least three concerts at Carnegie Hall every year and this season, all of them will be conducted by James Levin.

From opera compositions to one of the masterpieces of the early Romanticism: during his concert at Carnegie Hall, on 19th May, 2013, James Levine included famous Symphony no.9 by Franz Schubert, in the second part of the performance. It was a full of grandeur version, as the American orchestras usually create.

The listeners will have the opportunity to listen to this album on Sunday, 30th March, at 13:20, or anytime, on the website of the Vote the Best Classical Album of 2014 campaign.

Cristina Comandașu
Translated by Aida Barghila and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, The University of Bucharest