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Roberto Alagna - My Life is an Opera on Music Box, 9th February

Friday, 6 February 2015 , ora 9.57
I present to you an album whose international release is scheduled on 10th February, 2015. The album is named Roberto Alagna - My Life is an Opera and it contains essential arias for the career of the well-known tenor. It is true that another version of this album was released only in France, in November 2014, and whose title is Alagna - Ma Vie est un Opera.

What do we know about Roberto Alagna?

That he is one of the great tenors of the present. He seems to be at the apogee of his career: during this season he is making his debut with no less than four roles and he is appearing on the greatest opera stages of the World. It is the tenor who has a fascinating life story: he is an Italian who comes from a humble family, who immigrated to France and became French citizen when he was eighteen years old, who started to sing in bars to get tips and who has become the most important French tenor of the moment. We have to admit that there is something about his life journey which is worthy of a Hollywoodian film.

Roberto Alagna is a French tenor whose destiny intertwined with those of two Romanian females: Leontina Vãduva, alongside whom he performed in Roméo et Juliette, by Gounod, on the stage of the Royal Opera House in London, which brought him to the attention of the international classical world, and Angela Gheorghiu, who was his wife and stage partner until 2013. Currently, the life partner of Roberto Alagna is the Polish soprano Aleksandra Kurzak, whom you can also listen to on the Alagna - My Life is an Opera album, as well.

Most of the works contained in this album were recorded by Roberto Alagna, who was accompanied by the London Orchestra, which was conducted by Yvan Cassar during last autumn; other of them had been recorded a long time ago, but they had never been released on an album before.

You can listen to this album, which is the product of a life experience, of a remarkably beautiful voice, and of a warm soul, entirely. This album is also included onthe Vote for the Best Classical Album of 2015 campaign.

The album can be listened to Monday, 9th February, starting at 19:00 and the repeats are scheduled on Sunday, 15th February, starting at 13:05, during the discographic news programme, which is Music Box.

The works included on the album and which can be listened to are:

1. Des Grieux's aria from the third Act of the opera Manon Lescaut, by Giacomo Puccini 2.52

2.Des Grieux's aria from the first Act of the opera Manon Lescaut, by Giacomo Puccini 2.41

3.Lenski's aria from the second act of the opera Eugene Onegin, by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 5.47(sung in French)

4. The aria Inspirez noi, race divine from the opera La Reine De Saba, by Charles Gounod 5.00

5. The song A la Luz de la Luna, by Anton y Michelena (alongside soprano Aleksandra Kurzak) 3.48

6. The patter song La Danza, by Gioachino Rossini 3.22

7. The aria Esprits gardien de ces lieux of the opera Sigurd, by Ernest Reyer 4.31

8. The scene and cabaletta from the operaRoberto Devereux, by Gaetano Donizetti (alongside soprano Aleksandra Kurzak) 6.10

9. Pinkerton's aria from the opera Madama Butterfly, by Giacomo Puccini 2.03

10. Saint John the Baptist's aria from the opera Hérodiade, by Jules Massenet 4.55

11. Orphée's aria from the opera Orphée et Eurydice, by Christoph Willibald Gluck 3.52

12. The aria Magische Töne from the opera Die Königin von Saba, by Karl Goldmark 3.59

13. The aria Il est dix heures, encore six heures from the opera Le dernier jour d'un condamné, by David Alagna 3.59

14. Canio's aria from the opera Pagliacci, by Ruggero Leoncavallo 3.14

Cristina Comandaºu
Translated by Izabela - Elvira Vațe and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, The University of Bucharest