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'A midsummer's night dream' Festival - Interview with violinist Alexandru Tomescu
On Sunday, along with pianist Sînziana Mircea, you will be performing the last programmed recital from the 1st edition of the "A midsummer's night dream" festival. I would like to ask, first of all, what is your oppinion in regards to the importance of setting such an event in motion?
I think it's an extraordinary idea, especially when the organizer of the festival, pianist Sînziana Mircea, is an extremely young artist. I'm very glad to have the opportunity to directly support Sînziana in making this beautiful event come to life. I know Sînziana Mircea very well from when she was a student and a very active member of the "Remember Enescu" cultural foundation. I felt the greatest joy when Sînziana told me that after she finishes her studies abroad she will return to Romania to try to apply here what she's learned there. It was a pleasure having her in the "Stradivarius" international tour, in its 10th anniversary edition. She has an almost inexhaustible energy.
On Sunday, you will be performing two representative sonets from the repertoire dedicated to the piano and violin duo, on one hand, and on the other, a series of famous opuses from the works of Spanish composers. How did you reach this arrangement?
By myself, during this tour I have exploited strictly this artistic side of the repertoire for violin, mainly the Spanish and South American composers. Here, within this festival, we obviously wanted to balance this aspect in the first part with classic sonatas, Beethoven or Brahms. This program will be very appropriate for a large part of the audience.
What does your agenda look like?
It is, indeed, a very busy period. I will be opening the "Magical Summer" festival at the Romanian Athenaeum, on the 5th of July, along with pianist Angela Drăghicescu. Then, in the second half of July, the music classes for youth will be organized at Mihăileni, at the famous house of George Enescu. Soon afterwards, my colleagues from the "Ad Libitum" quartet and I will be taking part in the Festival from Marvão. Then, I have made plans for recording a new album.
Translated by Ruxandra Vorotneac,
MTTLC 1ST Year University of Bucharest