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Interview with mezzo-soprano RuxandraDonosedes about the anniversary gala at the Athenaeum
Mezzo soprana Ruxandra Donose will mark 30 years of career on the big stages of the world in the extraordinary concert, without audience, which she will give tomorrow night, at the Romanian Athenaeum. The concert can be watched live, from 7.00 pm, (and) on the Facebook page of Radio România Muzical.
About tomorrow's event we find details from Ruxandra Donose, in an interview by Florica Jalbă:
Tomorrow night, at the Athenaeum, the third gala dedicated to the three decades of his career will take place. In September you started their series with a concert in the Great Square in Sibiu, followed by the concert in the Botanical Garden in Iasi. Here, now it's the Capital's turn, only because, due to the pandemic, there will be a concert without an audience in the hall. What can you tell us about what you are preparing for viewers who will follow you online?
First of all, I want to say that I am very happy for this opportunity, to sing, to be on stage with a youth orchestra, no more, no less; It seems symbolic to me that, celebrating 30 years of international career, I am meeting young musicians who are at the beginning of their careers. At the desk is the maestro David Crescenzi who is an absolutely wonderful conductor and musician, with whom I get along very well and in this way, with talented young musicians in the orchestra and a wonderful conductor, we can hold this concert, having only one rehearsal. There are unprecedented conditions for singing, with a single rehearsal, in an empty hall, but I am grateful as an artist, as a lyrical soloist, that I can be on stage and, of course, I am very happy that this gala celebrates 30 years. career, because it is an honor and a joy for me. It will be a program of arias, hits, they are very well known arias, going through all musical periods, from baroque to romantic French, Italian and verista music, going through belcanto as well. The program covers a bit the stylistic and musical route that I have traveled in my career.
Your career takes you to the biggest stages in the world. However, for Romania, you have always set aside time, so that we have the privilege of seeing and hearing you whenever possible. When do you plan to return to the home scene?
I plan to return in May and this unique occasion to celebrate 30 years of international career is an occasion that I want to make the most of and I am very happy to have the support of various orchestras and operas from all over the country and so I plan to come back with some more galas. starting, probably in May, when we all hope to be able to gather in the hall with the audience. During these galas I will change the program, I will not always come up with the same thing, because I want to express, by choosing the program, the multitude of styles that I have adopted over the years. From baroque to, in recent years, heading to Wagner, I went through almost the entire history of music, singing with great pleasure and lieds and symphonic vocal literature.
And precisely because you have such a rich repertoire, is there still an unaddressed role or a symphonic chamber or vocal score that you want to add to your repertoire?
Indeed, I sang almost everything that the repertoire of lyrical, coloratura and here and dramatic mezzo-soprano offered me, but there are always new things that can be sung. For example, singing Wagner, Walkyria, I sang both the role of mezzo-soprano - Fricka, and the role of dramatic soprano - Sieglinde, so thinking about it this way, there are certainly more roles I can go to. As for the symphonic and lied vocal literature, it is so rich and there are so many wonderful things that I really enjoy it when I approach new things. I plan to sing with the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, Mahler's Song of the Earth, so a song I've already sung many times, I've also recorded, but the concert will be completed with lesser-known Alma Mahler lieds. in an orchestral variant. So, here, these project concepts attract me a lot.
Translated by Alma Teodora Miron,
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year I
Corrected by Silvia Petrescu