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Interview with violinist Răzvan Stoica about the anniversary recital RRM 25
Mr. Răzvan Stoica, you're once again on Sala Radio's stage together with your sister, pianist Andreea Stoica, in a recital which comes as a present for Radio România's audience with the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Radio România. You're going to perform works of virtuosity and famous opuses from your violin and piano repertoire. How did you choose these program works, having into consideration the recital's context?
Together with Andreea we tried to select the most beautiful, and let's say new plays which we have been playing in the last year in our tournaments in Germany and Spain, and especially because it is a more special concert which celebrates 25 years of Radio România Muzical. To this recital we tried to bring a bit of a Neoclassical repertoire such as Stravinski and Schubert, along with a play of virtuosity by Maurice Ravel, namely the concert rhapsody Tzigane, and of course, a play dear to us, Chaconne by Tomaso Vitali.
The recital will be followed by the release of the album Lost in translations, which appeared in 2021 at Casa Radio Publishing House, recorded by Stoica duo, together with Kamerata Stradivarius. It is a record which reveals works rarely put together in an album, Piazzolla and opuses of Romanian inspiration. In a few words, what is the story of this record?
Together with our colleagues from Casa Radio Publishing House we chose this repertoire in which we combine works by Piazzolla and tango works with little known Romanian works, for instance, Reverie by Ciprian Porumbescu, but also very well-known works such as Ballade by George Enescu or Ciprian Porumbescu's Ballade. As I was saying, together with our colleagues from Casa Radio Publishing House we thought of a title which includes a little of what is on the record and that's why we ended up having this title Lost in translations. We are eager to release this record and meet again with our audience, our audience from Sala Radio.
With the occasion of the 25th anniversary, we want to bring to light your relationship with Radio România Muzical. You have been frequently present at the microphone of our station in interviews and broadcasts, but also on Sala Radio's stage, in various formulas. How did you pave your way together with Radio România Muzical, from beginning to this day?
We had a great relationship and I believe we were bonded in a way to Radio România Muzical from our first interaction with the audience in Romania and through the contest Bratislava European Broadcast Association Competition. The contest's auditions were held at the initiative of Radio România Muzical and I think we were very bonded on a cultural and emotional level with Radio România Muzical, in a way, because every time I performed a concert or released a record or even gave one of the very beautiful interviews we had together, everything contributed to build this truly special relationship with Radio's audience.
What's following next for Stoica duo and Kamerata Stradivarius?
A very interesting tournament is following, a tournament we are going to perform in Spain and Italy in June and July with Stoica duo, namely Beethoven's Sonatas and Brahms' Sonatas. Then we come back to Romania as part of the Stradivarius Music Nights by the Castle festival, where I have the honor to be the artistic director and I hope to return in autumn with a masterclass sesion for violin and piano.
Translated by Mara-Sabina Rolea,
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year I
Corrected by Silvia Petrescu