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Oresteia II by Aurel Stroe at Bucharest National University of Music

Monday, 11 October 2010 , ora 9.47

Two years ago, Oresteia I by Aurel Stroe – which is the first part of the trilogy inspired from the Greek myth – was included in the programme of the “Banatul” Philharmonic in Timișoara. This year, the same Philharmonic has decided to play Oresteia II – Choephori. In Romania, during the first week of October 2010, the production was programmed three times: the first performance took place at the House of Culture in Bușteni on October 3rd, the second performance – on the stage of the Bucharest National University of Music on October 5th, and the third one was scheduled at “Gheorghe Dima” Music Academy in Cluj-Napoca on October 7th 2010.

We have found out more about the organization of this production and about what happened at the end of these three Romanian performances from the manager of the Timișoara Philharmonic, Ioan Coriolan Gârboni.

What were the main reasons for which you chose Oresteia II by Aurel Stroe?

The main reason is that two years ago we played Oresteia I, which was a success, not only in Timișoara but also on our international tour that took place in Switzerland; that is when we formed the basis of a serious collaboration. Some of our partners in Europe wanted us to play Oresteia II on a tour. This show, Oresteia II, has been almost entirely financed by the Romanian Cultural Institute, while the rest of the money comes from personal resources, others than the ones from the Local Council.

How will you continue the series of performances?

After Cluj-Napoca, we will go on tour. First, we will visit Germany, at Mannheim, where the performance has been programmed on October 10th, then Switzerland, at Basel and then we will pay a visit to the capital of France. It is an honour for us to perform such a great production in such wonderful places; we hope to promote Romania internationally as far as possible. 

Alexandra Cebuc
Translated by Andra Stroe and Elena Daniela Radu
MA Students, MTTLC, Bucharest University