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Interview with Ștefan Cazacu

Friday, 25 March 2011 , ora 12.26

Radio Romania Music is initiating a new project, entitled Great Musicians of the Future - the concert programmes aim to present to the Romanian audience the valorous musicians from the young generation, from Romania and other countries as well. Monthly, with no breaks until the end of the year, our stationproposes- in collaboration with the National Museums 'George Enescu' and Peleș - a recital on Saturday, in Sinaia, repeated on the following Monday in the Music Hall of the Cantacuzino Palace from Bucharest.

Among the guests: the pianists Mihai Ritivoiu, Florian Mitrea, the cellist Ștefan Cazacu, the soprano Meda Nemeș, the members of the trio 'Duecento Corde' from Hungary. The first recital will be held, Staurday, March the 26th 2011, strating at 17:00, in the Music Hall of the Peleș Museum by the cellist Ștefan Cazacu and the pianist Raluca Cimpoi-Iordachi. They prepared pages from Beethoven, Enescu, Tchaikovsky, David Popper, Rachmaninoff and Henryk Wieniawski. The recital will be repeated on Monday in the Music Hall of the Cantacuzino Palace.

With this occasion, the cellist Ștefan Cazacu answered a few questions for the Radio Romania Music listeners:

Though still a student, you already have a vast concert experience. What can you tell us about the recitals you will have Saturday at Peleș, respectively Monday in Bucharest?

I am very happy, because not everyone has the opportunity to play in the Peleș Castle. As for the experience as a cellist, I owe it to my father. He taught me how to play the cello and for that I thank him very much.

The proposed works for these two recitals cover names of composers from different musical worlds, from Beethoven to Enescu. Which is the cohesion factor of this repertoire?

I wanted to choose something different, contrasting. I wanted to propose a special repertoire for the recital from Peleș, and in Sinaia is also the house of the maestro Enescu. I wanted it to be something different, something that I and the audience like.

Following the recitals from Sinaia and Bucharest, what other events have you got on your concert agenda?

I will have a concert in the Republic of Moldova on the 14th May, in Chișinău; on the 16th May in Râmnicu Vâlcea, and then I will continue with a series of smaller concerts.

Radu Mihalache
Translated by Izabella Feher and Laura Bosnea
MTTLC, Bucharest University