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Interview with Virgil Oniță
In Brașov, during 24th and 27th March 2011, the fifth edition of The International Book and Music Fair is taking place. Hosted by the Sergiu Chiriacescu Atrium of Transilvania University, the event proposes the release of books and CDs, music recital and poetry.
We will receive more details about this event from the president of Libiris Association and the manager of the Book and Music Fair - Brașov, Mr. Virgil Oniță.
This fair is already at the 8th edition. What novelties does this edition bring, compared to those from the previous years?
Besides the book and the musical albums releases, we have musical recitals, poetry. We have everything that a book and music fair must have.
What can you tell us about the figures of the classical music who will take part in this event?
Sunday, March 27th, we will have the release of two religious music albums, and I would like to name Cornelia Archiudean Ardelean from Bistrița here, with a CD named Iisus e veșnic cãlãtor (Jesus is an eternal traveller). Also we can praise ourselves with a double CD edited by Libris - Brașov. The orthodox male choir Teofania, from Cluj Napoca, conducted by Ciprian Para, will release the album Liturghia Sfântului Ioan Gurã de Aur (Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom ), a liturgy written by Gheorghe Dima. These are two special albums, waiting to be released now, during the fasting period of Easter.
There will be four days full of cultural events. What do you recommend for the classical music lovers?
I recommend coming and visiting the University's atrium .They will find all the musical genres, including classical music.
Thank you for offering your support for the International Book and Music Fair in Brașov once again this year.
Translated by Elena Enache and Laura Bosnea
MTTLC, Bucharest University