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Headquarters for the Brasov Philharmonic Orchestra

Friday, 9 December 2011 , ora 11.33
The Brașov Philharmonic Orchestra will open its first headquarters. Liviu Mateș, the director of the institution, has been kind enough to grant us an interview and provide us with details about this event.

The Brașov Philharmonic Orchestra will open its own headquarters for the first time in its history. Where will the headquarters be located and what does the project designed for this purpose consist of?

This project started two years ago. It is supported from the budget of the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, Priority Axis 1. The headquarters will be located in a cinema building, namely the Patria Cinema in Brașov, which has not been used since 2004 and will undergo restoration. The total cost of the project amounts to 12 million lei. The works started on the 6th of December and the completion deadline has been set to June 2013. However, we hope that the next Christmas concert will be held in a new hall.

How will the new concert hall of the Brașov Philharmonic Orchestra look like?

It will have a seating capacity for 458 people and a 185-square-metre stage. Moreover, there will also be an audition hall with 53 seats which is aimed to house different activities, such as chamber music concerts, film screenings and so on.

Can you name any new projects that will be put on after the opening of the new headquarters?

Let us open the headquarters first and then I will tell you more. Anyway, I'm hoping that there will be projects of benefit to the people in Brașov.

Alexandra Cebuc
Translated by Raluca Mizdrea and Stela Cucu
MTTLC, Bucharest University