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Ready, Set, Jazz!

Thursday, 29 May 2014 , ora 9.33
We are talking about a celebratory moment for the theatre and jazz club Green Hours. The sixth edition of the Green Hours Jazz Fest has been dedicated to this special moment. At the event will participate artists from all over Europe between 29th of May and 1st of June, in Bucharest, for the concerts and recitals within the festival's programme.

I invite you to find out more details from Voicu Rădescu, the manager of the Green Hours Club and steward of the festival, who has been kind enough to give us an interview.

Mister Rădescu, Green Hours City Jazz Fest has arrived at its sixth edition and besides that, it's celebrating ... how many years of Green Hours?

20 years of Green Hours. This year we're celebrating with even more events and this is, from the point of jazz, the most important. We founded it in 1994.

What does exactly this sixth edition entail? I know it is an event of wide scope - you'll be celebrating not just at Green Hours, but in other halls as well, ...

Precisely. For the first time we have secured other locations besides the traditional one on Victory Avenue, no. 120. Concerts will be performed in three other extremely reputable places and I'm referring to the Romanian Peasant Club, the ArtClub Hall, and the Berlin Hall at the Control Club.

What artists will we have the opportunity to see performing throughout this edition?

There are 42 artists who will perform in these four halls. I prompt the listeners to come and witness for the first time the exceptional duo - Caecilie Norby from Denmark and the spectacular cellist and contrabassist Lars Danielsson from Sweden. I also invite them to see a worldwide premiere which we wanted to initiate - the encounter between Maria Răducanu and a great Portuguese contrabassist, who is, in fact, European, Carlos Bica and a highly acclaimed German pianist, Carsten Daerr. It will be a very interesting last day. Besides the events taking place at the Romanian Peasant Museum, Ada Milea will be performing Apolodor in English and Romanian for kids and grown-ups and several other guests will be participating, as well. At Green Hours we'll be able to watch an emergent Swiss band which is mesmerizing Europe at the moment, Colin Vallon Trio. There will also be very important Romanian musicians and I will name Iordache, Mircea Tiberian, young Michael Acker, Ana Cristina Leonte, I've already mentioned Maria Răducanu and many others who can be seen performing during the days of the festival. At Club Control, Vlaicu Golcea and Uțu Pascu will set up a special programme and remix some of their songs - they are inviting you to a dancing, innovative evening; the following day, Nostalgia 77, a modish English band whose songs sound very much like jazz, will offer you, as I have said, an extremely dynamic experience. There are many others, but the time is short and we can't list them all. It would be more informative if you accessed www.greenjazzfest.ro or www.greenhours.ro where all the details of the festival can be easily found.

Petra Gherasim
Translated by Bianca-Lidia Zbarcea and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, The University of Bucharest