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A 100% Haydn Recital at the Radio Hall
This evening , you will be on the Radio Hall stage, to continue the open series of the Voces Quartet, in which you perform opuses by Josef Haydn. Which of them will be performed during the Wednesday evening recital?
We will continue the quartet of the famous first series, belonging to the great father of the quartet, towards the famous Opus no.3 - the Serenade Quartet - which, although many specialists sustained it doesn't belong 100% to the creation of the great composer, as there still are debates regarding this matter, we included it, as well- the Quartet Op.3, no.5.
Critics consider Haydn to be a genius of the perfect musical forms. Do you agree with this statement?
Absolutely, although the first quartets do not resemble at all with the great opuses, which are made up of an already famous suite - consisting of four parts, with very well-established forms. Of course, the sonata's form is present everywhere and is totally authentic. The great majority of these smaller quartets are made up of five parts: an introductive part - an introductive presto or allegro followed by a menuet with trio, then a slow part, then another menuet with trio and a final form - a final scherzo or a final allegro. These are forms which prove that this huge genius of the quartets, rightfully entitled the Father of the Quartets, searched and perfected the form, right from the beginning, burnishing and then searching for an execution, as credible and decent as possible.
Your career exceeds more than four decades. What is the secret of the longevity for the Voces Quartet?
There are a lot of things to say about this aspect, I don't think I'll have the necessary time to render this idea in one single phrase, but I'll try.
From my point of view, only the passion for the music chamber and the love for this group, which brothers Bujor and Dan Prelipcean created, in 1973. A single sine qua non condition for the existence of such a group is represented by the good education and the positive behaviour towards the fellows and towards the musical per formative act. Ultimately, everything we gathered during the university years, when we had the most successful professors in the world, I think these provided us this stability, this solid basis to understand the chamber music, to see how a group functions and everything that is necessary for its positive evolution.
I see that the Radio Hall becomes more and more crowded when the Voces Quartet in performing. I am very happy that everything we did, many years ago, in Iași - where we have a stable, exceptional, very competent and well-prepared public now takes place in Bucharest, and I can only be happy to see that we have more and more fans, more and more friends, people who come to our concerts. As a matter of fact, there have been periods when the Voces Quartet performed without posters and I wondered how people had found out about these concerts. The answer comes right from the friendship and the solicitude people from the Radio Romania Music prove us, people who knew how to efficiently popularize our concerts, at least during the last period. On this occasion, I would like to thank them.
Translated by Aida Birghilă and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, the University of Bucharest