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The Brașov Jazz & Blues Festival – The Second Edition

Thursday, 4 December 2014 , ora 11.22

The second edition of the Jazz & Blues Festival in Brașov begins at the “Sică Alexandrescu” Theatre on Thursday, 4th December, 2014. Marian Gâlea, the director of the festival, gives us additional information about this series.

The Brașov Jazz
&Blues Festival. Which are the bands that will perform in this series?

There will be seven concerts during the three-dayfestival – three bands are from Romania and four are international . The Romanian bands are Vibes, the Elena Mîndru Quartet, Berti Barbera and Nicu Patoi, and the foreign bands are the Hidden Orchestra from Great Britain and Narcotango from Argentina. On the last day of the festival, there will be two blues concerts with the Blue Family from Serbia and with the Sharrie Williams Band from the United States of America.

How were the festival bands  selected?

Our organization – the Fanzin Cultural Association - which is also the organizer of the festival, holds various events of this type; we also have a film festival and a theatre festival. For this jazz festival, as for other similar events, we  work with professionals and we have consultants. As far as the blues part was concerned, we have consulted Aurel Hațiegan, who is the organizer of the Sighișoara Blues Festival and he reccomended the Blue Family and the Sharrie Williams Band to us. The latter was this year at the Sighișoara Blues Festival and wanted to return to Romania, by all means. For the jazz part we were advised by Berti Barbera, with whom we have been working for a long time. He is the host of the festival, too, and this year he will also have a show together with Nicu Patoi. So, this is the way in which we chose the bands, by consulting the people we trust. We are glad that the second edition takes place in Brașov and we  hope to have as many spectators as possible from outside the city, besides the public from Brasov. From what we know, spectators from Sibiu and Bucharest have also announced their attendance. We invite them to Brașov! The festival will take place right during the winter holidays, on Saint Nicholas...there will also be snow. It is a particular and special event, with tree days of good quality music and we are waiting for everyone who would like to enjoy this event.

Lucian Haralambie
Translated by Manuela Cristina Chira and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, the University of Bucharest