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An interview with the soprano singer Simina Ivan

Wednesday, 16 October 2019 , ora 15.33

At the beginning of October, the female artist celebrated a quarter of a century on the stage of the Vienna State Opera

Could you please tell us about the beginning of your career as a musician?

First of all, I don't consider myself a musician, I don't think I know enough music to be called a musician. I'm a stage person. That's how I would call myself. Of course, my mother, Silvia Ivan, was the female soloist of opera in Timisoara, so I'd grown up in theatres. I think I started this path during that period. I have always entered a theatre with enthusiasm and with great pleasure, no matter what kind of theatre it was. Entering one and getting on a special stage meant receiving vital energy. With the same passion I have sung in a chorus, and with the same passion I have sung operettas. And today, I work on children's operas with that same passion, why not? In 1977, when I started my career, things were distinct; we lived in a communist society and there was a totally different system. It's hard to compare our beginnings with the way in which someone starts his or her career now. But thinking about those beginnings is a great pleasure for me, and I consider that not even an hour of activity in the chorus or with an operetta, or even of having a "small" role in something - no hour spent doing these was in vain. If you work with pleasure and passion, it cannot be considered a waste of time.

How do you recall your beginnings in Vienna?

I remember as if it happened yesterday. Very exciting, just like a confrontation with something totally new. I remember my first rehearsals, I rememeber my debuts. I can't believe it's been 25 years.

How are you going to celebrate those 25 years of collaboration with the institution?

We celebrate through work. The day before yesterday we had gone to this awarding of the jubilee ring and of a diploma that happened in amore festive setting with a lot of colleagues, and immediately after that festive meeting, everyone went to his or her rehearsals. This was the holiday. But the most beautiful celebration is to continue your activity.

Interview made by Petre Fugaciu
Translated by Guțu Mihaela, Universitatea București,
Facultatea de Limbi și Literaturi Străine, MTTLC, anul I