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Interview with Dragoș Marian Rușanu
On Tuesday, October 15th 2019, from 7 p.m., 13-year-old violinist Dragoș Marian Rușanun will give a recital on the stage of the Little Hall of the Romanian Athenaeum. The young violinost, accompanied on the piano by Clementina Ristea Ciucu, will perform works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johannes Brahms, George Enescu, Pablo de Sarasate and Camille Saint-Saens.
You are part of the young generation of violinists, whose future is certainly promissing. Here you are, giving a recital at the Little Hall of the Romanian Athenaeum. How do you find this experience?
I think this is an experience which I am certain will help me further in life and I am very happy that I get the chance and the opportunity to perform on one of the stages where many great and important violonists have performed.
You will be performing along pianist Clementina Ristea Ciucu. Do you feel any special connection has formed between the two of you, aristitically speaking?
Yes. There's not enough just to be an accompanist there, but I must get along well with him or her as well in my everyday life. And with Mrs. Clementina Ristea Ciucu, my teacher and accompanist, I get along very well.
What can you tell us about the works that you will be performing during this recital?
These works have a pretty big emotional connection for me. I feel that I am ready and I know very well what I have to do when I get on the stage. Besides that, they help me open up to the public and I think this is the most important thing.
You have been the laureate of many violin competitions lately. Are you preparing for any competiton in particular at the moment?
I prepare for something new every day, and I have been practicing for this recital for about half a month and I am very excited to get on that stage with my accompanist.
At the moment, you're a student at the National College of Art "Dinu Lipatti" from Bucharest, where you also take the general culture classes, beside the music ones. How do you manage to embrace both your life as a student and as a performer.
It is quite difficult to divide between the two of them, but I try to give the best that I can toboth, except that the time doesn't allow me to do too many things and I try to organize my time very well. I'm sure this will do me good and it's definitely worth it.
Translated by Ghiță Ioana, Universitatea București,
Facultatea de Limbi și Literaturi Străine, MTTLC, an 2