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Interview with Liliana Staicu about the event organized in honor of Constantin Silvestri - 50 years from his passing

Monday, 28 October 2019 , ora 10.23

On the 6th of November, you are invited to Cotroceni National Museum, where our station organizes the event known as The Silvestri Phenomenon. A Portrait of the Conductor, Composer, and Pianist.This event comes in anticipation of a similar one, in London, where a round table about Constantin Silvestri will be moderated by Liliana Staicu, director of the Romanian Radio Orchestras and Choirs.

2019 marks the 50th anniversary of Constantin Silvestri's passing. On the 6th of November, at Cotroceni National Musem, Radio România Muzical is organizing an homage event in anticipation of a similar one in London. Why London and what are the highlights of the King's College event?

It is held in London because King's College London will take advantage of this anniversary to open the first public archive with documents about Constantin Silvestri, that, to a great extent, have been kept in the UK, at Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, where Constantin Silvestri spent the last seven years of his life, raising this provincial orchestra from the UK to an extraordinary level, not only in Great Britain but also in Europe. On the 2nd of November, at King's College, there will be an event which will be opened with a speech held by the archive director of King's College and Romania's ambassador in the UK, mister Dan Mihalache, followed by a piano recital by Anda Anastasescu, who will play Constantin Silvestri's three piano suites. The third suite will be a premiere, played wholly for the first time in the UK. The piano recital will be followed by a few movies screened for the first time, depictions of Constantin Silvestri while conducting the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, interviews with people who have met Silvestri, amongst them Raymond Carpenter, principal clarinetist of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. The night will end with a round table of remarkable guests. Among them are Nicholas Braithewaite, associate conductor of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra for the last two years of Constantin Silvestri's life (1967 -1969), Brian Johnston, one of the first violinists of the orchestra, who also worked with Silvestri during his time conducting the Bournemouth orchestra, lord Michael Barcley, composer, British journalist and producer of BBC's talk show Private Passions, the pianist Anda Anastasescu, the one who set this event into motion, and two people fascinated by Constantin Silvestri's personality: Glen Gould, a sound engineer who digitally restored some of Silvestri's records and created a YouTube channel and Bunny Laden, producer of the Constantin Silvestri movie, "Metamorphosis: The Transformation of the Bournemouth Symphony".

We previously stated that the Romanian public could also enjoy a Silvestri event, organized by Radio
România Muzical at Cotroceni National Museum, on the 6th of November, 7 p.m. What will happen there?

It will be the London event on a smaller scale. We will have the opportunity to see and hear in Bucharest some of the people who will attend the event in London, namely the director of archives at King's College, conductor Nicholas Braithwaite, previously mentioned as Silvestri's assistant at Bournemouth, and the two greatly accomplished Americans amazed by Silvestri's personality: sound engineer Glen Gould and film producer, Bunny Laden, together with Anda Anastasecu, who will also play the three piano suites in Bucharest.

So let's launch this invitation to our listeners as well.

Interview by Andreea Kiseleff
Translated by Zamfir Lavinia Corina, Universitatea București,
Facultatea de Limbi și Literaturi Străine Anul I master- MTTLC