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Interview with pianist Mădălina Slav
On Saturday, November 23rd, from 7 pm, pianist Mădălina Slav on the stage of the Romanian Athenaeum, in a recital together with her husband, the violinist Alexander Scherbakov.
"The program we decided upon was chosen by us, throughout our lives together and thus, our repertoire, not only of sonatas and concerted works, we also chose miniatures, for different encores and so we came to a collection of miniatures , which we want to present to the Romanian public in a single recital, a kind of collection of encores. The composers we will present are not only the very, very popular Russian ones, Rahmaninov, Glazunov, and not well-known works, but less performed, less well-known miniatures.
You have also performed at the Athenaeum in Tecuci and in Sibiu and you will also perform on November 23rd in Bucharest. How did you plan this event?
It was conceived as a mini-tour, to cover as many cities interested in this program. Of course, there was interest, but our very limited time allowed us only to perform in these cities.
What are your next projects?
The following projects take us to the West. We will have some festivals in Germany. Next year, we will play in a concert season in Switzerland, but for this year we will stop here, because next year there will be more compositional connotations, because I also focused on a compositional career, which will allow me to explore this side, too. In fact, on November 23rd, we will also present for the first time, a work signed by me, a written miniature, dedicated to my husband for violin and piano.
Translated by Ioana Ghiță, Universitatea București,
Facultatea de Limbi și Literaturi Străine, MTTLC, anul II