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Interview with tenor Daniel Magdal - deputy general manager of the National Opera Bucharest

Wednesday, 25 January 2023 , ora 11.00

The National Opera of Bucharest invites the audience tomorrow night, from 18:30, to a vocal-instrumental recital entitled "Remember Felicia Donceanu". More information about this event we can find from Daniela Magdal - deputy general manager of the National Operfa Bucharest, in an interview made by Florica Jalbă:

On January 21st will be an hyear since the distinguised composer, Felicia Donceanu, passed away. It is the date in which the Bucharest Operfa organizes a vocal-instrumnetal recital dedicated to the memory of the musician. As a deputy general manager, but also as a soloist who is part of the distribution of the Saturday evening, please, tell us more details about this event.

We started this project after a discussion with general manager Daniel Jinga, namely a project that brings to the public the creation of Romanian composers, a project we start with this "Remember Felicia Donceanu", a project which, we consider, is of our duty to bring back to the audience what the pethora of Romanian composers created. We will try to do this a few times a season and will commemorate or celebrate a lot of our composers, who wrote such great music. I am beyond happy that all colleaugues have promtly responded and great joy, a thing that shows the love we all have regarding our identity, because our national identity is given by music too, music that we interpret and by music our ancestors and contemporaries had written.

I would like to point out that not only vocal solist will attend the event, but also instrument players...

...within the ocrhestra of the Philharmonic, in view of the fact that there will be present the vilonists Gabriel Dănilă and Oana Sârbu Vișenescu, who had been, togheter with professor Diana Spânu, close enought to Felicia Donceanu. They have a trio, therefore she wrote more works and I am very happy that they could and accepted, of course, to participate.

Also, for me, this evening is a great jow, because 11 years ago I aimed to create an Eminescu recital in Bucharest, which I actually made with works selected from many Romanian composers. And then I called maestra Felicia Donceanu and I asked her from my heart to compose for me "Rugăciunea lui Eminescu", and she did so, "Rugăciune" that is a piece of art and which I will try to perform with all my love, with all my consideration and with all my joy as he would liked to listen. Sentimentally, we are all one. We complete each other and we all enjoy this event.

From a performer's perpective, how do you see Felicia Donceanu's work of lied and how can you costumize it with regard to Romanian creation of genre?

Felicia Donceanu's work of lied is rich, extremely deep, and on the other hand, extremely hard to perform. Se had expectations from all of us, rightfully, from all performers, but at the same time, somehow, I always have the feeling that without knowing each and every one of us, she seemed like she wrote for every one of us something. It is something very interesting and nice for a singer. Of course, she is part of the great plethora of composers. I like very much the folk theme that she adresses a lot of times in her worls. She makes somehow the Romanian soul to vibrate extremely deep and touching.

I invite everyone that wishes to attend a special evening, with all the sake, both to our spectacle on Saturday evening, dedicated to the memory of Felicia Donceanu, and to our performsnces, where my wonderful colleagues do their best, put their souls on the tray to create joy and happiness for the audience. I want to thank our regular spectators that reward us by sold-out shows of the Operas.

Interview by Florica Jalbă
Translated by Andreea Petrescu,
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year I
Corrected by Silvia Petrescu