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Interview with violinist Răzvan Stoica
On Thursday, April 6th, you will perform Concerto no.4 for violin and orchestra by Niccolo Paganini alongside the Brasov Philharmonic Orchestra. By analyzing what you perform frequently, we notice a preference for virtuosity. What place does Paganini's music occupy in the context of your repertoire?
It occupies an important place, especially because Paganini was a passionate violinist and a passionate about violinist technique, although the concert I perform is one of the most musical. Compared to Concerto no.1, which is a technical marathon for any violinist, Concerto no.4, on the other hand, is a little more musical and it tries less to be spectacular with these exaggerated techniques of pizzicato, staccato down, staccato up, etc. But, indeed, Niccolo Paganini is among my favorites. When I was a child, I loved listening to the Caprices of his creation, and, behold, I have remained with this mad pleasure of singing Paganini ever since.
This concerto no.4 was not performed until last year and it was very difficult for me to find the score. And in the country, it was performed only once, by Ruggiero Ricci, in 1977, but no Romanian violinist performed it until last year. I am looking forward to Thursday's concert because it will be a premiere for Brasov and for the Philharmonics on this side of Romania.
With what thoughts do you return to the soloist position with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Brasov?
I am looking forward to playing with the Brasov Philharmonic Orchestra, especially since I have noticed that in the last two years, it has reached a very good point. I heard them on the internet, I listened to them in some online concerts that they had even during the pandemic; many of them were broadcast by Radio România Muzical itself. Therefore, I think they have mastered and reached a very beautiful musical maturity and I can't wait to play with them.
Have you worked with the conductor Andreja Solar before?
This is the first time I will be working with conductor Andreja Solar, but I have heard very beautiful things about her and I believe in a beautiful collaboration on stage.
What other events are in your agenda for the next period?
For the next period, we are preparing a tour in the country, but also abroad, a baroque music tour with Andreea Stoica on the piano. We will perform many famous outward semblances for violin and harpsichord, especially Bach's Sonatas for violin and harpsichord, but also some fewerpresent sonatas in the repertoire of today's violinists, such as the Sonata in E minor by Francesco Maria Veracini, a sonata rediscovered by Fritz Kreisler, Written by Gaetano Pugnani, but also a modern piece in full Baroque style, beautifully written by Alfred Shnitke. There will be at least 20 concerts in our country and abroad in the next two months, as part of this Baroque music tour.
Translated by Bogdan-Nicolae Tănăsescu,
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year I
Corrected by Silvia Petrescu