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Interview with pianist Alexandra Silocea

Wednesday, 20 November 2024 , ora 10.35

The musician is the soloist of Friday's concert on November 15th, accompanied by the National Radio Orchestra, led by the American conductor Roderick Cox.

Alexandra Silocea, how would you describe the collaboration with the National Radio Orchestra?

It is a beautiful collaboration, our first one actually. I've been knowing this orchestra since childhood and I am glad to finally be with them on the stage. It is the first time as well, to perform on the stage with the American conductor Roderick Cox. I could say that the collaboration works out beautifully, we got along from the beginning and we're rehearsing this concert like it's a Ferrari rally.

How would you describe the pianistic writing of Felix Mendelssohn's Piano Concerto No. 1 for piano and orchestra and how is the dialogue between the solo instrument and the orchestra achieved?

This is a concert written by Mendelssohn when he was 22 years old, in the year of 1831 when he was in a journey through Europe, in Italy. If weknow this information, the atmosphere of the concert changes significantly. It is a such a fast, virtuoso concert with a very close dialogue between the orchestra and soloist, with an innovative composition in the first parts, in the second and third it is a very subtle transition, without pauses between the movements.

What other events are included in your concert schedule for the upcoming period?

I am returning to Vienna tomorrow, November 16th, where I will perform for the third time this year at Heidi Horten Collection -it is the youngest museum of Europe which celebrates its 2nd anniversary this year- where I have the pleasure to present an interesting program, specially designed for the Light Sound Senses exhibition, featuring piano music. The most known perfumer, Yogesh Perfumes, will create perfumes based on the musical pieces that I will perform there, it is about two Austrian premiers written by the composers Nimrod Borenstein from London and Martin Romberg from Norway. For one of these two compositions, we will have a dancer from Paris that will create a choreography for these musical pieces, Chazz Del-Logen Cooks that performed on the opening ofThe Olympic Games with Lady Gaga.

An Australian composer wrote a concert for me, entitled "The Kookaburra", that will be performed in world premiere in Chile accompanied by the Philharmonic Orchestra of Santiago.

Interview by Ana Sireteanu
Translated by Adina Gabriela Văcărelu,
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year I
Corrected by Silvia Petrescu