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Mail from Washington - the Triumphs of the Pianist Radu Lupu
Monday, 11 February 2013
, ora 9.22
On 24th January, 2013, within the recital at Carnegie Hall in New York, the pianist Radu Lupu performed works by Franz Schubert, Cesar Franck and Claude Debussy. The Carnegie Hall representatives say in the opening of the event that Radu Lupu is the pianist who bestirs you to listen to classical music in an original way. Since winning the Van Cliburn competition in 1966, he has managed to have true admirers for his amazing performances, which explore the emotions behind the music all the time. Wait to experience the same within the Radu Lupu recital - at Carnegie Hall. The compliments of the sponsors overlapped the publication in one of the most appreciated American magazines "The New Yorker", of an encomiastic article about the pianist Radu Lupu. Leo Carey, the editor of the magazine said he had waited for almost a year for a Radu Lupu recital. "If there is one performer you have to go to and see when you have the chance, if you happen to be in New York, then this is Lupu."- writes the journalist from the "New Yorker". Trying to explain what it is that makes Lupu such a significant pianist, the author of the article writes "in general, the basic tone of the piano is quite neutral by comparison with other instruments, but Radu Lupu managed to find a greater amplitude, more layered gradations of subtlety, within the world of the basic classical sound than anyone else.""However, there is another facet to the excitement of a Lupu concert, he no longer records. You know that when you hear him performing, you will never hear a piece like this again. Your ears and brain must assimilate as much as they can."- writes the editor of the publication "The New Yorker".
Ani Sandu - correspondent Radio Romania in Washington
Translated by Andreea Mesescu and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, Bucharest University
Translated by Andreea Mesescu and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, Bucharest University
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