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French Music Evening at the Radio Hall - Debussy-Poulenc

Monday, 18 February 2013 , ora 14.19
Settled in France, where she collaborates with important conductors, soprano Mihaela Mingheraº-Couture is coming to Bucharest for a special French music evening on Friday, 22nd February, at 19.00.

Under Cristian Oroºanu's baton, who was assistant conductor at the Symphonic Orchestra in Berlin and who has a large European artistic activity, the National Radio Orchestra is offering you a glimpse into the French music from the end of the 19thcentury and the first half of the 20thcentury. The event is organized in collaboration with the French Cultural Institute and will present two great composers to the Romanian music lovers: Claude Debussy (Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faunand The Sea) and Francis Poulenc (Stabat Mater). The concert will feature the Academic Radio Choir, conducted by Dan Mihai Goia.

Debussy's famous work, Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun stirred controversy after the renowned Paris choreographic performance of the great Russian ballet dancer Vaslav Nijinski. Inspired by the work of the Symbolist French poet Stéphane Mallarmé, the score describes the dreams of a faun, who is a god with a fantastic air. The evening will continue with a beautiful journey at sea, through the three symphonic sketches drawn together as The Sea: From dawn to noon on the sea, Play of the Waves and Dialogue of the wind and the sea. Finally, you will hear Stabat Mater, Francis Poulenc's work which marked the death of his friend, choreographer Christian Bérard (the founder of the Ballet des Champs-Elysées).

For more information on the 2012-2013 season of the Radio Orchestras and Choirs please visit www.orchestre.srr.ro

Translated by Irina Borþoi and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, Bucharest University