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Johann Sebastian Bach is the 'Composer of the Week'

Friday, 14 February 2014 , ora 9.22
Considered by everyone one of the greatest musicians of the world, Johann Sebastian Bach is this time the ‘Composer of the Week’.

“Bach is for me the one that motivates me, the one that lifts me up from the laziness that we all have and makes me go back to study, to enter the concert frenzy...many times I have warmed up with Bach’s music before a Dvoűák concert. I would call him perfection. If I said that Mozart is just a genius than Bach if perfection for me.” Violinist Răzvan Suma

“I have lived for many years under the reign of the burden I had chosen for myself. It was a matter of taste. I am talking about my student years and right after. It was about Johann Sebastian Bach, Richard Wagner and Anton Bruckner’s music. They were my guiding composers. That was when I discovered Mozart. Personally, I can only say the Johann Sebastian Bach is one of the composers that formed me by studying his scores, St John Passion, St Matthew Passion, Mass in B minor and the cantatas, Christmas Oratorio. All of these compositions were studied by me, as a young man, page by page, bar by bar and note by note. It clearly had a forming influence on me.” Conductor Tiberiu Soare

“I would say that he is a great music architect.” Violinist Cristina Anghelescu

“Absolutely marvellous. He is simply the base.” Violinist Ioana Goicea

“He is above every other composer. Johann Sebastian Bach, the only one who dared communicate with God through music.” Violinist Alexandru Tomescu

“Bach is one of the greatest composers that ever lived. If I would be stranded on an island and I could take only one score that would be Mass in B minor by Bach. If I need music capable of deep feelings or to motivate me I always choose Bach. I confess that I always start the day with a piece of his. This morning it was Sanctus from Mass in B minor, and yesterday it was the 3rd suite for the orchestra. I think that the best starting point for whoever wants to understand and love classical music is Bach.” Musicologist Stanley Romanstein

Johann Sebastian Bach (31st March, 1685, Esenach –July 28th, 1750, Leipzig) is the German composer unanimously thought to be one of the best musicians worldwide.

During the 17th to 21st week in February, from Monday to Friday, starting at 10:00, he will be the ‘Composer of the Week’, on Arpeggio , presented by Ana Voinescu.

Translated by Roxana Țicămucă and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, The University of Bucharest