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Francesco Piemontesi is the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra's new Soloist in the Concert on Wednesday, on 2nd April 2014

Wednesday, 2 April 2014 , ora 9.42
Radio Romania Music continues its series of live international musical events. On Wednesday, 2nd April, 2014, you will be able to enjoy a live concert taking place in Poole, Great Britain, starting at 21:00. The concert will be starring pianist Francesco Piemontesi and the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra conducted by Kiril Karabits.

Francesco Piemontesi, a winner of the Queen Elizabeth Competition in 2007, brings us Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s 27th concerto. The pianist has already performed on stages like the one in Musikverein, Viena, Carnegie Hall and Avery Fisher Hall in New York, Suntory Hall in Tokyo and the Berlin Philharmonic.

His name was high on the list during festivals, such as, the BBC Proms, Lucerne Festival, Edinburgh Festival, Mostly Mozart in New York and the Martha Argerich Project in Lugano, amongst others.

Francesco Piemontesi has lately been focusing solely on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The pianist’s latest album comprises works by the great classic composer.

This time, Francesco Piemontesi will be performing under the baton of a conductor that may already boast contributing to some of the world’s greatest ensembles. Kirill Karabits will be conducting Wednesday evening’s concert. The British ensemble will be performing at the Lighthouse. Anton Bruckner’s IXth symphony is scheduled for the second part of the live broadcast, brought to you by Radio Romania Music.

The European Music Stage – live broadcast from Britain: pianist Francesco Piemontesi and the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra in concert, under the baton of Kirill Karabits, starting at 21:30. Commentator: Irina Cristina Vasilescu.

Lucian Haralambie
Translated by George Mihăiță and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, The University of Bucharest