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A Non-conformist Portrait - VOCES8

Sunday, 4 May 2014 , ora 11.37
″...two parts King's Singers, three parts Swingle (Singers), a dash of Bobby McFerrin and California sunshine...Fans of close harmony ought to hear this.″- any other additional comments would be useless.

VOCES8 is an a-Capella octet formed in 2005, specialized in classical choral music. With a repertoire ranging from the Renaissance polyphony to unique Jazz and Pop arrangements, the ensemble collaborates with contemporary composers including Ola Gjeilo, Roxanna Panufnik, Alexander Levine and Ben Parry.

VOCES8 is a Decca Classics Artist; it achieved number one in the UK classical chart with its most recent album, Eventide.

In 2013, VOCES8 was nominated for seven CARA awards and won in the categories for Best Classical Album (A Choral Tapestry) and Best Classical Song (This Marriage).

With an ongoing programme of recordings and live broadcast, VOCES8 is a constant presence on the German, English and French radios.

VOCES8 is delighted to be the flagship performance and education ensemble of the charitable music foundation, Voces Cantabiles Music. (VCM). the ensemble leads an innovative series of music education workshops, reaching annually over 20,000 people from all over the world. The aim of these workshops is to inspire creativity and excellence through music. The innovative education work of the VCM is highly appreciated by the UNESCO.

″Radiant″ and ″luminous″ are adjectives that are perhaps overused in describing choral sound, but in this case they are fully deserved-Stephen Eddins, Allmusic.

VOCE8 will be the subject of A Non-conformist Portrait show on Sunday, 4th May, 2014, at 10:00; we invite you to listen to this programme, in the company of the show producer, Liliana Staicu.

Gina Macsențian
Translated by Aida Birghilă and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, The University of Bucharest