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The Maestro Ludovic Bacs - the Performer of the Day on Arpeggio, on 19th January

Monday, 19 January 2015 , ora 9.53
The maestro - conductor Ludovic Bacs turns eighty-five on 19th January, 2015, an age that we celebrate on Arpeggio, on the Performer of the Day column. His career had a strong connection with the Orchestras of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company for over four decades, for he was first a conductor and then the artistic director of the Radio Chamber Orchestra.

His modesty, the elegance of his musical and verbal expression and the depth of his interests have always made the maestro Ludovic Bacs an 'aristocrat' of the contemporary Romanian artistic life, in which he has distinguished himself both as a 'seeker' in the realm of the old music (in 1966 he brought into existence the 'Musica Rediviva' Ensemble, which had this profile), and as a passionate performer of contemporary Romanian music. He has presented many works in absolute first audition, of some authors of his generation, such as, Vieru, Tiberiu Olah, Ștefan Niculescu, Cornel Țăranu, Aurel Stroe, as well as from younger generations - Dan Dediu, Cătălin Crețu, Christian Muck.

In addition to his career as a conductor, the maestro Ludovic Bacs has guided generations of young musicians of the National University of Music Bucharest; Tiberiu Soare, the current permanent conductor of the Radio Orchestras was one of his students. At the same time, we owe him the promotion of an important background of old Romanian works, which he has transcribed, harmonized and orchestrated to be presented in concert.

In Monday's editionof the Arpeggio programme on, 19th January, 2015, starting at 10:00, you will be able to listen to a Suite of Romanian Dances from the eighteenth century, composed by the maestro Ludovic Bacs, and to works by J.S. Bach and Sabin Drăgoi, performed by the Radio Chamber Orchestra, under the maestro's baton.

Monica Isăcescu
Translated by Manuela Cristina Chira and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, the University of Bucharest