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Under the Heading of the Sacred - the European Stage, 28th February, 2015

Friday, 20 February 2015 , ora 10.00

He is well known as an eccentric, he is one of the most prolific composers of our times (up to now he has written 285 symphonies, 29 quartets for the chords, 11 concerts for the violin and 4 for the piano and the list goes on…), the musicians with which he has worked say that, during rehearsals, he uses directions such as: "the pianissimo should be somewhat greasier" or "first there are three centimetres of curly lines and only then does the music start", and one of the journalists who have interviewed him can swear that he thought he had met Santa Claus in person - a long, white beard, the body-build, as well as the positive attitude which were fit to such a character. Sounds familiar? "Such a figure has to remain ingrained on one's eyes for a long time, and you might have watched Leif Segerstam - for it is this Finnish musician we are talking about - in the 2003 edition of the "George Enescu" Festival as well."

On Saturday, 28th February, 2015, you will get the opportunity to listen to Segerstam once more, who will perform at the London Barbican Hall a majestic score, written by Anton Bruckner: Symphony No. 8 in C minor, which will be performed under the baton of the Finnish musician by the BBC Symphony Orchestra. This musical evening will be opened with the BWV 227 motet Jesu, Meine Freude (Jesus, My Joy) by Johann Sebastian Bach, performed by the BBC Singers Choir, conducted by organ player and conductor James O'Donnell. Radio Romania Music will broadcast this concert live, starting 21:30.

Bach and Brucknet rarely share a concert programme, but the BBC Symphony Orchestra re-engages this apposition, after performing the Cantata No. 191 Gloria in excelsis Deo by Bach and Symphony No. 4 by Bruckner last year, in December, 2014; and even though Bach was a Lutheran and Bruckner was a Catholic, their music is dedicated to the same Divinity.

We therefore have an evening dedicated to the spiritual, Saturday, 28th February 2015, starting 21:30 on Radio Romania Music. Moderated by Irina Cristina Vasilescu.

Translated by Andrei-Radu Bîrsan and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, the University of Bucharest