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Georg Friedrich Händel on 'Calendar Pages' - 'Arpeggio', 23rd February

Friday, 20 February 2015 , ora 10.39
Georg Friedrich Händel (23rd February, 1685-14th April, 1759) is one of the most important representatives of Baroque music. As he declared himself, he always wanted 'not only to entertain people, but to make them better altogether' through his compositions.

The creations of Georg Friedrich Händel as well as Johann Sebastian Bach are the highest point of Baroque music.

He discovered music by playing both the organ and violin, but what really made him brilliant were his scores. He studies along with Arcangelo Corelli, Alessandro and Domenico Scarlati and Agostino Steffani. In Italy he wrote operas, orathories and a large number of religious cantatas in Italian styles and using Italian techniques .

He then left for London where he became the composer and musician of the Royal Court, and wrote his most famous works: the Messiah oratory, the suits Fireworks and Water Music as well as his twelve Concerti Grossi Opus 6. He also created an opera theatre - The Royal Academy of Music - and he composed 14 operas to be played there.

A Calendar File dedicated to the great Georg Friedrich Händel - Monday, 23rd February, at 11:30, on his 330th anniversary, on the Arpeggio programme presented by Irina Cristina Vasilescu.

Lucian Haralambie
Translated by Ioana Săbău and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, University of Bucharest