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Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Composer of the Week on Arpeggio, on 2nd and 6th March

Friday, 27 February 2015 , ora 9.33
Three centuries from Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach' birth were celebrated in 2014, and the six German cities where he lived and composed - Hamburg, Potsdam, Berlin, Frankfurt an der Oder, Leipzig and Weimar - were hosts for numerous concerts and anniversary events: exhibitions, conferences, festivals. A natural tribute for "the most important composer of the 18thcentury", as he is considered by the Germans.

The second son of Johann Sebastian Bach and his first wife, Maria Barbara, also called "Bach from Berlin and Hamburg", Carl Philipp Emanuel acquired knowledge in composition due to studying with his father at the St. Thomas School in Leipzig. After he studied Law, in 1738 he became harpsichordist in the orchestra of the Crown Prince of Prussia, whom he accompanied in Potsdam after his coronation as Friedrich II. Being a master of the harpsichord, he had not limited himself to compose for this instrument, but he also wrote one of the most important treaties, entitled "Essay on the true ways of interpreting the keyboard instrument" ("Versuch ûber die wahre Art, das Clavier zu spielen" - 1753, 1762), which had contributed in a decisive way by improving with details the interpretative technique of that period.

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach was baptized by Georg Philip Telemann, who was appointed musical director of the city of Hamburg after him from 1768 until the composer's death, in 1788. In this position he composed religious music, chamber music and symphonies.

His scores were published during his life and this thing added to the composer's popularity and strengthened his reputation: Haydn studied his works and Mozart was among his admirers. Being considered one of the most important representatives of the Empfindsamkeit (sensitive) style in music, Carl Philipp Emanuel confessed: "If a musician is not thrilled himself, he will not thrill anyone."

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach is Composer of the Week on Arpeggio, starting on Monday, 2nd March, at 10:00 o'clock.

Monica Isăcescu
Translated by Eugenia-Daniela Lupașcu and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, the University of Bucharest