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Ede Terenyi, a Personality of More than One Era - Contemporary Sounds, 17th-20th March, 2015

Tuesday, 10 March 2015 , ora 9.50
A composer who has both acknowledged and dodged the vanguard ideas in his creation, an erudite of sonorous combinations, with a vast culture, who asserted himself significantly in the Transylvanian music of the twentieth century.

Ede Terenyi was born in Tg. Mureș eighty years ago and studied in Cluj-Napoca, the city to which he has tied his whole life and career. The music he composed here is played in the main European music centres: Bucharest, Budapest, Prague, Darmstadt, Paris, Nuremberg, Brussels and Helsinki.

His expressive language has assumed various hypostases, from the taking over of some elements present in the music of Bartok to the use of the authentic autochthonous folklore, from Webern's serialism to the return to the tonalism of the various eras in the history of music.

Ruxandra Arzoiu has presented, in the four editions of the Contemporary Sounds programme - on 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th March, a synthesis of Ede Terenyi's creation.

You will listen to pieces inspired by predominant figures of the universal culture, such as the symphony poem by Eminescu, The Silver Wood, Paganiniana, an instrumental creation, Vivaldiana, for chamber orchestra and soloists which reminds of concerto grasso, Tribute to Mozart, a concert for the violin and the orchestra and so on.

You will rediscover a part of the musical universe created by the composer Ede Terenyi, in this week's edition of the Contemporary Sounds programme (17th-20th March), starting at 23:30!

Laura Ana Mânzat
Translated by Manuela Cristina Chira and <.bElena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, the University of Bucharest