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Johann Sebastian Bach - The Composer of the Week on Arpeggio, 16th-20th March

Friday, 13 March 2015 , ora 10.05
One is thinking of Johann Sebastian Bach as a universe whose vastness is impossible to encompass, but always inviting one to comprehend it, whose meanings seem incomprehensible at times to mortals like us. It is precisely that Bach of essences, of spiritual truths, of divine meditation, that Bach Emil Cioran wrote about that ʼʼhe is another word for sublime and the proper noun for consolationʽʽ, as ʼʼWhen you listen to Bach, you see how God is being created. His music calls for divinityʽʽ. It is the halo which confers solemnity to the atmosphere in which it occurs, because - as Karl Barth said - ʼʼThe angels, when standing in front of God's throne, are playing Mozart.ʽʽ That B-A-C-H cryptogram which, in a figurative way you should look for (through rehearsed auditions) and discover (every time in a different display) should reveal to you the joy of rediscovery again and again.

In the universe which I have been talking about, there co-exists that Bach who one feels one knows. That particular Bach resembles us every single bit: he loves life and everything it offers to us, he works hard in order to sustain his large family, he undergoes all sorts of dramas and shares the joys of any other man. He is that colloquial Bach, sometimes serene, other times tensed, to whom anybody has access to, simply through connecting to his music.

We invite you to enter together this colourful, complex, inimitable universe, between 16th and 20th March, on Arpeggio at Composer of the Week, scheduled for 12:00, daily.

Monica Isăcescu
Translated by Anca Romete and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, the University of Bucharest