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This Season's Final Live Broadcast on an 'Evening at the Opera'

Monday, 27 April 2015 , ora 9.22
Let us listen together to the final live broadcast on An Evening at the Opera show during the 2014-2015 season, Gaetano Donizetti's Don Pasquale with... three bill-toppers: Michela Pertusi (Don Pasquale), Juan Diego Florez (Ernesto) and Valentine Naforniță (Norina). Don Pasquale, the 7th new production suggested in the current season by Dominique Meyer, mixing the best that the Vienna State Opera has, in terms of staging and belcanto!

Don Pasquale - seen by Irina Brook? 'Lustig!'

Irina Brook is the daughter of the famous actor and theatre director Peter Brook and actress Natasha Parry (from whom she got her liking for Moliere's comedies): she herself a very sophisticated artistic celebrity, actress developed in the New York studios, award-winning theatre director and, from a couple of years on, the favourite director of the famous Opera Festival of Aix en Provence. A sophisticated celebrity - as I said! - that found Donizetti's opera far more fashionable if moved to a... Nacht club; scenario in which the show definitely gained colour, attitude and motion, as well as a wonderfully accessorized exoticism granted by Sylvie Martin Hyszka's costumes. At least that's what the reviews that came out after the 26th April premiere wrote.

What did the critics say? A triumph!

Also after the Sunday (26th April) premiere, people praised Jesus Lopez Cobos' conductive skillfulness and humour; the fresh and, for 15 years, completely unchanged voice of the famous Peru tenor, Juan Diego Florez; the admirable self-irony with which Michele Pertusi built her role but also the fact that 'young Valentina Naforniță plainly had everything she needed for her new role: complete beauty, attitude and charm, an adequate voice as well as a perfect technique for singing belcanto scores'.

'I don't want to turn into a diva'

For Valentina Naforniță - the Vienna State Opera soloist for the last three seasons, the role of Norina is the fourth important role in her career: after Susanna, Gilda and Adina - all presented successfully on the stage of the Ringstrasse theatre - and, after participating as a soloist in the most watched mundane theatre event, the Viennese Ball, in 2012, having as her predecessors, just one year before, Angela Gheorghiu and, three years before, Anna Netrebko!

'You are definitely one of the Vienna State Opera stars' - I told her in one of the interviews - 'would you like to become the Diva of this theatre?' 'Most definitely not' - was Valentina's reply that I now pleasantly remember, checking her, somehow. 'Of course I had a great time wearing a dress by the famous designer of House Liska, Thomas Kirchgrabner, singing in front of a public that represented the elite in all fields, knowing that I'm forwarded by all the media channels in Austria and Germany - at least. Or that I feel great being applauded and giving autographs. But that's not my purpose. I've even been asked how much money I gained for my performances and concerts. As if that mattered the most! That is so upsetting! I'm only interested in building a long-lasting career that will make me proud. And for that, I must remain focused and work hard' - was her answer back then.

Today, the fact the Valentina Naforniță is working hard is shown by her new debut as Norina in the cast of Irina Brook's Don Pasquale. A debut crowned with success that I invite you - not to watch, but... 'celebrate' together, on Saturday, 2nd May, at 20:00, live, when the third performance of the series will take place. We have also invited Mrs. Anca Florea, the famous musical critic and musicologist in the studio of An Evening at the Opera show.

Luminița Arvunescu
Translated by Adrian Bucur and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, the University of Bucharest