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The 'Romanian Poem' on Monarchy Day on the Weekend… allegro! Programme - 10th May, 2015

Thursday, 30 April 2015 , ora 9.23
The day of 10th May has a triple significance for our history. On 10th May, 1866, Carol I became the ruler of Romania. 11 years later, the Romanian state officially became independent and on 10th May, 1881, Romania became a Monarchy. For eight centuries, from 1867 to 1947, the Romania`s National Day was celebrated on 10th May.

Today, 10th May is Monarchy Day and George Enescu`s Romanian Poem could not be excluded from Radio Romania Music`s programme, a work dear to His Majesty's heart, King Michael I, which he used to listened to while he was in exile, together with his family - according to her Grace, Crown Princess Margarita.

The Romanian Poem, Op.1, in George Enescu`s catalogue of compositions, ends with Romania`s Royal Anthem, whose music was composed by Eduard Hübsch in 1862, and whose lyrics were written by Vasile Alecsandri in 1881.

George Enescu was 16 years old when he composed the Romanian Poem in 1897 and King Michael was to-be born 23 years later. His first performance in Paris in 1898 was a great success: "tens of chronicles, the majority of which were extremely eulogistic. The author became famous overnight, which did not only bring him satisfaction, but also stirred the envy of the others", Pascal Bentoiu noted in his work called Enescian Breviary. The same author described the Romanian Poem as the first vast Romanian work that succeeded in standing out in one of the biggest musical centres in the world.

In Romania, the work was performed a month later, on 1st March, 1898, the author himself being at the rack. It was George Enescu`s first appearance as a conductor, at the age of 17. The performance took place under the high patronage of King Carol I and the Romanian Poem was to be a symbol of the Romanian Royal Family and later on - after the return of their Highnesses, King Michael I and Queen Ana - the opening of every official ceremony.

The Romanian Poem is included in the The King`s Music album, released in 2011. The album contains a list of works selected by the Crown Princess Margarita and Prince Radu, as a gift for the King`s 90th anniversary; and the recordings are from the Radio Romania Music archives.

At its official release, His Royal Highness, Prince Radu, stated that the Romanian Poem is a musical work that has accompanied His Majesty throughout his lifetime. He said that it was like a bandage for his restless heart, while being far away from his native country; and it was also his spiritual refuge. Every time they moved to a new house, before unpacking the furniture and their luggage, their Highnesses would take out the vinyl record, the pick-up and two chairs and they would sit down and listen to the Romanian Poem in the quietness of the empty house. They would do the same thing when they moved out of a house, which tells us a great deal about the role Romania and its music played in Their Highnesses` lives".

Therefore, listen to the Romanian Poem by George Enescu, on Sunday, 10th May, on the Weekend…allegro programme (at around 9:00 o'clock)!

Andreea Chiselev
Translated by Ana-Maria Florea and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, the University of Bucharest