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Raluca Știrbăț - the collected works for piano by George Enescu: the RRM Interviews, 4th of December 2015

Thursday, 10 December 2015 , ora 11.27
On 4th of December, Raluca Știrbăț was my interlocutress for an hour and a half at the Radio Romania Music Interviews. The theme: her album recently launched in Romania on 3rd of December, at the Enescu Museum, on which you can find the collective works by George Enescu for solo piano completed by the composer.

The album that reunites three discs with recordings made in 2010, 2013 and most of them made in 2015 appeared at the German recording house Hanssler Classic (the same that edited the Enescu discs signed by the violinist Remus Azoiței and by the violoncellist Valentin Răduțiu) and I think that it represents a real event for the Romanian culture, a necessary recuperative gesture. On the Raluca Știrbăț`s album we can find four works that have never been recorded until today (La Fileuse, Regrets, Impromptu in C major and Sonatensatz in F sharp minor, the latter, a first form from 1912 of the first part from the Sonata op.24 no.1 completed in 1924), and other three, that have never been published on a disc (Prelude from Prelude and Scherzo in F sharp minor, Barcarolle in B flat Major Impromptu in A flat major).

Surely, there are other collective works by Enescu, but none of them contains the complete form proposed by Raluca Știrbăț in 2015. It must be mentioned that Raluca Știrbăț had as musicological references the volume 'Enescu`s masterpieces' by Pascal Bentoiu and the catalogue of Enescu`s works made by the lamented Clemansa Firca. I consider that it is important that at 60 years from the death of George Enescu there is this type of collective works recorded: studying Enescu, trying to highlight him as better as possible, at the national and international level, I think that it is an honour of duty for every Romanian musician.

And Raluca is truly passionate about everything that represents Enescu`s inheritance: thus, she recorded his works, she was one of the translators who realised a German version of the 'Enescu`s masterpieces' by Pascal Bentoiu (a volume that was released in Bucharest, on 3rd of December 2015), she signalated the advanced degradation of Enescu`s house from Mihăileni, demarche that saved this monument.

Cristina Comandașu
Translated by Oana Diaconu
MTTLC, the University of Bucharest