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Musical pieces by George Enescu-interpreted by cellist Andrei Ioniță, violinist Ioana Cristina Goicea and pianist Daria Tudor – Music box, October 2nd 2023

Wednesday, 11 October 2023 , ora 10.42

George Enescu's musical pieces interpreted by cellist Andrei Ioniță, violinist Ioana Cristina Goicea and pianist Daria Tudor - Music box, October 2nd 2023

I'm glad to present you the newest disk of Radio România Muzical's collection, launched under the aegis of the Casa Radio publishing house - Musical pieces by George Enescu, recorded by an extraordinary trio of young Romanian musicians: cellist Andrei Ioniță, violinist Ioana Cristina Goicea and pianist Daria Tudor. We had the chance to admire them all during the now finished George Enescu Festival. The musicians had an autograph session for the new album for which they worked until the end of 2022. The first "meeting" of the disc and the audience took place of the 4th of September at Sala Palatului from Bucharest, at the concert held by Adrian Ioniță, accompanied by the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich.

On the disk we can find the No.2 Sonatas: The Sonata No. 2 for violin and piano in F minor, Op.6 and The Cello Sonata No. 2 in C major, Op. 26, and then The Suite No.2 for piano, in D major, Op. 10 in its complete version, on the disk one can find only two parts of it, due to practical reasons.

This represents for me a very emotional incursion into George Enescu's world, but I'm sure it's same for those who carry on the enescian heritage.

After their first "Beethoven" album, Andrei, Ioana and Daria thought to record Enescu- the same works that they've interpreted during their extraordinary Chamber Concert that they held under the auspices of Radio România Muzical on the 30th of November 2022 at Bruxelles and then on the 18th of December at Sala Radio.

This represents an endeavor, made possible by the Constance Foundation and Andrei Rhoe, which has now materialised on this disk, which certainly held international relevance.

The Cello Sonata No. 2 in C major, Op. 26 it's a musical piece of maturity from George Enescu's creation, composed in 1935, and I think that Andrei Ioniță represents the same exact essence of this mature Enescu, which writes in a language that talks about his universality but also his Romanianness. If we ask ourselves today who we are, as Romanians, in a universal and European context, we find an answer in Enescu's music, and especially in this Sonata which end in that àla roumaine finale, where Andrei Ioniță and Daria Tudor find the suitable tune and that maturity of expressing it.

The Sonata No. 2 for violin and piano in F minor, Op. 6 represents the essence of the young Enescu, a young 18 year old man, who was studying at the Paris Conservatory and who gathered his experience with the French world in this Sonata. We have listened to Cristina Goicea and Daria Tudor performing this Sonata in concert and then, here, on this disk. We have admired a great violinist who lives every measure of the music sheet and who manages to take us to new worlds of art nouveau, which are delicate yet so well defined. We admired the perfectly placed tempos, but also the finesse of the two pieces. We have in this interpretation a model for the 21st century.

Towards the end of the album, there are two parts of The Suite No. 2 for piano, Op. 10, in Daria Tudor's interpretation. She has recorded the whole Suite, so we chose to offer you the whole audition for one of the most well known piano pieces by George Enescu, as it was envisioned by Daria, a young pianist with an energetic and yet poetic view upon the piece.

I am glad that I could be a part of this album which talks about what George Enescu represents today for the young artists, but also for us, the public. First of all, I'm glad that the three musicians choice was Enescu, whom you see, is an unavoidable marker. And secondly, that there is a just tune of these interpretation in which we find talent, maturity and the experience of living outside the country and yet being so connected to it. I consider it a victory, one of the victories that we need as a country and as a nation to define as a spirituality in a time where everything else seems relative and without markers.

Cristina Comandașu
Translated by Georgiana Morozii,
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year II
Corrected by Silvia Petrescu