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Cellist Anna Wróbel and pianist Małgorzata Marczyk and their album, “Rêverie” – CD Review, October 18th 2023

Thursday, 2 November 2023 , ora 11.56

The title of the album launched on February 24th is " Rêverie" and it contains romantic miniatures pertaining to the Polish repertoire, released on premiere on discs. The interpreters of these pieces are cellist Anna Wróbel and pianist Małgorzata Marczyk, two talented young women from Poland. They are teachers at Frederic Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. In the album's presentation material, the first of the two musicians says that " Polish music has always been part of my artistic life and not only that. I love to discover renowned composers but also less-known composers. It's fascinating to perform Polish pieces that would have been performed in those times when carriages drawn by horses were roaming the streets of Warsaw, the lady were wearing hats adorned with flowers and the music was perfomed in the artistocratic saloons".

For her album, Anna Wróbel has chosen pieces that were never on record before, pieces pertaining to Romantic musicians that are almost unknown to the larger audience. Here we can mention names like Aleksander Wielhorski, Ignacy Antoni Meyer, Zygmunt Noskowski, Wladyslaw Zelensky and Feliks Nowowiejski.

Anna Wróbel is amongst the most valued young cellist in Poland. She had succesfully graduated from Chopin University of Music with a PhD in Music and she had also studied musicology deeper in the same city. She had given concerts at numerous prestigios festivals and she had also worked together with the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra and other musical ensembles in her country. She is a passionate promoter of the Polish repertoire and she has presented in premiere contemporary pieces by Jerzy Derfel, Piotr Wrobel, Benedykt Konowalski and Jerzy Maksmiuk. She is currently teaching music at Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, Just like her stage partner, pianist Małgorzata Marczyk. The pianist also has an impressive musical career and has perfomed in concerts in Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Ukraine and many more European countries. She has a large repertoire focused on chamber music and modern romantic music. The two musicians, Anna Wróbel and Małgorzata Marczyk, have a good collaboration, expressiveness and homogeneity in their interpretation.

Larisa Clempuş
Translated by Georgiana Morozii,
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year II
Corrected by Silvia Petrescu