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Interview with conductor Cristian Mandeal
This year, the "Lanto Communication" Association is organizing the 13th edition of the "Magic Winter" project. The "Royal Chamber Orchestra," under the baton of conductor Cristian Mandeal, is performing in this concert event. He provides more information about the event in an interview with our colleague, Sarah Natsis.
Mr. Cristian Mandeal, on December 9th, you will return to the conductor's podium of the "Royal Chamber Orchestra" during the "Magic Winter" concert at the Romanian Athenaeum. How would you describe working with the musicians of this ensemble?
I have known them for some time, and I am very pleased that I can work with them from time to time because they are selected individuals from all orchestras in Bucharest, the best people, I would say. In this way, you can ensure a very high quality of the concert.
How did you choose the pieces that make up the musical program of Saturday's concert?
The pieces are chosen primarily for the engagement of the audience that will participate, in the sense that they are generally works of virtuosity, dynamic pieces, youthful and joyful - setting the mood for the Christmas series.
The "Magic Winter" project has reached its 13th edition. How do you see its evolution so far?
Things are going very well. From the very beginning, they have gone smoothly, evolving from year to year. I can only hope that this project will have a long life.
In conclusion, I would like to hear about the concert projects on your agenda after the event at the Romanian Athenaeum.
On the 14th, I have a concert at the Sofia Philharmonic - a regular concert program in which I will both perform and conduct Enescu's Symphony No. 1, which I am very pleased about. Following that, I have another concert on December 22nd, a Christmas concert, this time at the Cluj Philharmonic, featuring a unique and massive piece aptly suited for the occasion, called Paul Constantinescu's Byzantine Christmas Oratorio.
Translated by Ramona Ana-Maria Ionescu,
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year I
Corrected by Silvia Petrescu