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Enescu's Violin Travelling through the Romanian Villages and Cities for the Fourth Time

Tuesday, 20 October 2015 , ora 9.27
Inspired by the example set by Enescu, who used to travel with his Guarnieri del Gesù violin made in 1730 all over the country, including war zones, hospitals, villages, everywhere his music was mostly needed, but people scarcely had the occasion of enjoying it, violinist Gabriel Croitoru and pianist Horia Mihail are travelling to some rural settlements and cities in Romania to hold many performances.

The 'Enescu's Violin' National Tour, which is organised by Radio Romania under the patronage of the Cultural Media Centre, takes place between 22nd October and 3rd November, 2015. Violinist Gabriel Croitoru will have the honour of playing George Enescu's Guarnieri del Gesù violin (provided by the 'George Enescu' National Museum), while Horia Mihail will play a digital piano that the two instrumentalists will travel with.

The two musicians have just arrived back from the 'Duel of the Violins' National Tour that was held on the greatest national stages in front of a well-acquainted audience. This time, they are travelling to Romanian villages in which this sort of events does not usually take place, as well as some cities. The programme that they prepared is an attractive one; it includes well-known works that everyone who wants to listen to high quality music will enjoy.

The two great soloists' experience within the last years was an exciting one. Despite all obstacles, they hold this tour every year. The enjoyment of audience members in rural areas was equal to that of people who afford go to the great concert halls, even if they had never attended a concert or seen an instrument before. Although they came to the concert in horse-drawn carriages, not limousines, and were not dressed elegantly, but wore plain clothes, they still enjoyed the performance of the two musicians.

'I think that we are starting to get used to this atmosphere which is different from the one in a regular concert hall. It's not common to have audience members that are not familiar with this kind of music. I am really glad that we went to their villages. Our intention is to draw at least some of them towards this type of music.' - Gabriel Croitoru

'The great number of people who attended these recitals impressed me. Some of them had never seen an instrument before, so they wanted to touch them. I am sure that the purpose of these Radio Romania projects is to educate the young generation and bring quality music closer to them. People in rural settlements rarely have the occasion to listen to this kind of music, unfortunately.' - Horia Mihail

For further information regarding this tour, we kindly invite you to visit the website www.vioaraluienescu.ro.

The 'Enescu's Violin' Tour schedule:

22nd October, at 18.00 - Viișoara Commune, Cluj-Napoca County - Culture House

23rd October, at 18.00 - Câmpia Turzii, Cluj-Napoca County - 'Ionel Floașiu' Culture Centre

24th October, at 19.00 - Brașov- Patria Hall

25th October, at 19.00 - Poiana Stampei, Suceava County - Culture House

28th October, at 19.00 - Slatina, Olt County - 'Eugen Ionescu' Culture Centre

29th October, at 19.00 - Caracal, Olt County - National Theatre

30th October, at 18.00 - Izbiceni, Olt County - 'Tudor Gheorghe' Culture Centre

31st October, at 18.00 - Osica de Sus, Olt County - Culture House

2nd November, at 19.00 - Bucharest - Teatrelli Hall

3rd November, at 19.00 - Bucharest - Radio Hall

Project initiated by: Radio Romania Music

Organisers: Radio Romanian Media Culture Centre

Coproducers: Radio Romania Culture and TVR2

Partners: creart - Centre for Creation, Art and Tradition in Bucharest, 'George Enescu' National Museum

Official Transporter: Dacia

Sponsors: Vimteco-Alro, ADEGas Oil

Supported by: Chez Maria, Pantex Hotel in Brașov

Media Partners: Village Antenna, Radio Romania Music, Radio Romania News, Radio Romania Regional, România Liberă, Cultural Observatory, Romania TV, Cațavencii, Șapte Seri, Book Agency, Actualitatea muzicală, Metropolis Newspaper, Accendo, Media Trust

Cultural Partners:

Viișoara City Hall and Local Council, Câmpia Turzii City Hall and Local Council, Brașov Philharmonic Orchestra, Poiana Stampei City Hall, Poiana Stampei Culture House, Center Inter Art Cultural Association, Sons and Friends of the Caracal City Association, 'Tudor Gheorghe' Cultural Centre, Osica de Sus City Hall and Local Council.