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Irina Sârbu gives the magic of jazz back to children and parents on Sunday, in a concert dedicate to the joy of being

Tuesday, 13 February 2018 , ora 9.46

Irina Sârbu, the famous actress and jazz singer, will perform in a concert on Sunday, February 11, starting from 18:00, on the Main Square stage in ParkLake. The concert is part of the Rainbow Elephant (Elefantul curcubeu) project that also includes the "Creative decoration workshop" starting at 16:00, inspired by jazz music and aimed for children between 4 and 10. The entry will be free.

The Rainbow Elephant made its debut a week ago, to the joy of over 100 children who took part in the Workshop for small musical instruments. They had the chance to use the instruments they themselves built as they accompanied Adrian Nour's concert.

Initiated by the UCIMR (the Romanian Musicians' Union for Interpretative Creation), the project wanted to bring jazz music closer to the younger audience and more by showing its ability to create a world full of color, contrary to the general perception that jazz is an inaccessible genre.

On Sunday, February 11, the audience will be able to experience something truly unique, especially since Irina Sârbu has received the challenge of performing, for the first time, the jazz version of… a children's song. During the first event, Adrian Nour performed a song loved by many generations of children: An elephant was swinging on a spider's web ("Un elefant se legăna pe o pânză de păianjen").

Every Sunday starting from February 4 parents and children alike are invited on a new journey in the world of creative workshops complemented by the magic of jazz music. The Rainbow Elephant is true creative safari for the entire family, where they can spend their free time this season, until the coming of spring, in a way that is as pleasant as possible. Between February 4 and April 1, the UCIMR and ParkLake have organized a series of interactive workshops that are full of surprises, followed by jazz concerts performed by the most loved and appreciated bands of the moment.

The schedule for February:

Jazz concerts:

February 4 (18:00) - Adrian Nour Band

February 11 (18:00) - Irina Sârbu

February 18 (18:00) - Mircea Tiberian Quartet

February 25 (18:00) - Viorica Pintilie

Workshop schedule:

February 4 (16:00) - Workshop for small musical instruments

February 11 (16:00) - Workshop for decorative creation

February 18 (16:00) - Workshop for shadow puppetry

February 25 (16:00) - Workshop for decorative creation

Recommended ages: 4-10 years old

In the Main Square area of the ParkLake commercial center, the Rainbow Elephant will be hosting workshops every Sunday starting from 16:00, where children can learn to build small musical instruments, decorate objects and go behind the scenes of shadow puppetry. These activities are meant to develop their artistic and practical abilities, as well as familiarize them with a jazz music that is full of creative tonalities and will be the gluing agent of all the activities.

The jazz concerts, performed by some of the trendiest bands of the moment, will begin at 18:00 every day. Adrian Nour, Viorica Pintilie, Marta Popivici, Irina Sârbu, Mircea Tiberian, Blue Noise, Teodora Spînu- these are the artists who will create worlds of sound meant to bring children closer to the genre.

There are studies and evidence showing that music does indeed improve one's learning capacity and, through this project, the organizers' aim was to create a friendly environment for development and education.

It all started from the fact that the "elephant" - that's how jazz is labeled - is actually hiding a world full of sound and color that can only be experienced by those who have the patience to learn and listen.

This is why the artist who were invited to sing every Sunday are musicians who have proven time and again that they know and can give jazz a voice on a professional level while keeping its diverse color (tone) spectrum, and they can offer the audience the music from various time periods while combining a number of musical styles through sheer joy of being.

Just like the concerts, the workshops will be held by professionals in their field, dedicated individuals with certified teaching skills and experience in coordinating such activities.

The workshops will be organized in partnership with members of the Romanian National Scout Organization, the Local "Steaua Polară" Center.

With over 20 years of experience in developing cultural projects, UCIMR is once again in sync with the European tendencies of facilitating access to culture through music in partnership with public and private institutions.

The Rainbow Elephant - Jazz and Creative Workshop Sessions at ParkLake is a cultural project co-financed by the AFCN (the Administration for the National Cultural Fund).

Translated by George Arion,
MTTLC 1, Universitatea București