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Season tickets for the concerts that will take place between April and June in the Radio Room

Monday, 2 March 2020 , ora 11.07

The Orchestras and the Radio Romania Choirs will start selling the season tickets for the last 3 months of the current season on Tuesday, March 3rd (April-June 2020).

The suite of amazing concerts dedicated to the anniversary year of Beethoven (250 years from the birth of the famous composer), the anniversary concert of 75 years performed by the Radio Children's Choir, the evening dedicated to baroque music, where the soprano Rodica Vică, accompanied by the Radio Chamber Orchestra will perform, the concert staged by the winners of the competition The path to success, the Royal Concert where the Radio National Orchestra performs every year around May 10th, the events that will take place in the International Week of New Music (the 30th edition), the Ceaikovski evening with short representations from his ballet works. These are some of the performances in the Radio Room which canot be missed.

Among the special guests who will perform on the Radio Room stage, we must mention: the conductors Cristian Măcelaru, Sascha Goetzel, Duncan Ward, Rumon Gamba, Tiberiu Soare; the pianists Daniel Petrică Ciobanu, Daria Parkhomenko (the winner of George Enescu International Competition in 2018), Mihai Ritivoiu, Axia Marinescu, as well as the violinists David Grimal and Remus Azoiței.

The season of concerts at the Radio Room is consisted of various events: from symphonic concerts or cameral concerts offered by the Radio National Orchestra and by the Radio Chamber Orchestra to pop, blues, or jazz concerts performed by the Radio Big Band, the folk concerts performed by the Folk Music Orchestra, and the Radio Children's Choir, as well as the Radio Academic Choir, which will also put on representations.

The events to which the season tickets might be applied can be found in the schedule section, on the following site: www.orchestreradio.ro.

The individual season tickets for the period of 3 months will be available to buy starting by the 10th of March.

The price for season tickets:

-the first category-460 lei;

-the second category-368 lei;

-the third category-276 lei.

Discounted season tickets (senior citizens, schoolchildren, students):

- the first category with a discount-276 lei;

- the second category with a discount-221 lei.

For more details ask to the ticket office, at
: 021.314.6800.

The ticket's office schedule is the following: Tuesday-Friday 13:00-19:00; Saturday-Sunday: closed (except for the days when concerts take place, when the schedule is: 13:00-19:00).

The tickets and the season tickets to the Radio Choirs and Orchestras can be found on www.bilete.ro, at the Romanian Post offices, in the Immedio shops with the inscription bilete.ro and to the Radio Room's ticket office. You can buy the discounted season tickets only at the Radio Room's ticket office, on the basis of a pension slip and the identity card.

Translated by Lambru Anița-Florentina, Universitatea București,
Facultatea de Limbi și Literaturi Străine, MTTLC, anul I