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`The Road to Celebrity` contest… following in the footsteps of the great singer Florica Cristoforeanu
Râmnicu Sărat Town Hall, Buzău County Council, The Cultural Centre `Florica Cristoforeanu`, `Pro Valores` Association, The Union of Interpretative Creation of Romanian Musicians`, supported by the programme `Opportunities at your home`pay tribute to the great singer Florica Cristoforeanu, on the occasion of celebrating 60 years from the quietus of this artist who took the glory of the Romanian lyrical art to the most important stages in the world.
After 10 years spent at Mogoșoaia Palace, `The Road to Celebrity`change its location to Râmnicu Sărat. The international competition brings to Florica Cristoforeanu`s hometown over forty young singers from Bulgaria, Italy, Republic of Moldova and from all important musical centres in Romania.
The competition will take place from the 29th of February to the 1st of March in the space for public events within the Cultural Centre of Râmnicu Sărat.
Among the specialized members of the jury: soprano Cristina Simionescu, soloist at the Romanian National Opera in Iași and university lecturer doctor at `George Enescu` National University of Arts, professor Maria Chihaia and the music critic Mihai Cosma, university professor doctor at The National University of Music in Bucharest.
The public access will be uncharged both at the stages of the contest that will be held on Saturday, 29th February, starting at 11:00 am, and at the suite of Sunday events.
On the 1st of March, the day Florica Cristoforeanu left this world, 60 years ago, in Rio de Janeiro, at 10.30 am an exhibition dedicated to the great artist will be opened, then a communication session will take place "Florica Cristoforeanu - 60 ", and at 12 o'clock will take place the award ceremony and the gala concert of the laureates of the" Road to Celebrity " contest, the 11th edition. This day we will also find out the winner of the Trophy Florica Cristoforeanu.
The "Road to celebrity" contest is the only musical confrontation in Romania which, apart from important money prizes, occasions a huge opportunity for young musicians to promote themselves, given the fact that the winner of the trophy will be invited to hold a concert within the Radio Chamber Orchestra season (at Radio Hall, on the 6th of May, 2020), as well as recitals on important stages.
Translated by Ecaterina Bușe, Universitatea București,
Facultatea de Limbi și Literaturi Străine, MTTLC, anul I