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Online music ambassadors of the National University of Music Bucharest

Wednesday, 16 December 2020 , ora 9.05

The project "Tineri muzicieni, ambasadori ai Universității Naționale de Muzică București" - "Young Musicians, Ambassadors of the National University of Music Bucharest", financed by Institutional Development Fund (FDI), initially aimed to organize concerts in several major capitals of the world for the best student ensembles in UNMB - in order to internationally promote the students involved, the university and, last but not least, the performing arts in Romania and the Romanian culture.

As the pandemic has restricted travelling and public concerts, the project had to be adapted to the new situation, so the promotion of the best students of the National University of Music Bucharest was done through portrait-style videos, in which the students introduce themselves and perform something representative for them.

A prime example, with the young organist Eduard Antal as the protagonist, can be watched here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwyVPnC70ls.

Eduard Antal (organ), Constantin Borodin (cello), Maria Diana Petrache (piano), Adriana Cîlțea (harp), Ștefan Cazacu (cello), Andrei Petrache (composition), Daniel Dascălu (piano), Irina Naneș (flute), Marta Popovici (vocal jazz) are some of the students, grad students and PhD students of UNMB to whom the presentation films were dedicated, names that the music-loving public will surely hear about.

Under the coordination of project manager Cezar Paul Bădescu, these films made by Sorin Antonescu and Virgil Oprina will be broadcast on the official UNMB internet channels (unmb.ro, Youtube, social networks, etc.), and are being suggested for rebroadcasting to partner institutions abroad.

Translated by Zofotă Andreea,
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year I
Corrected by Silvia Petrescu