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FESTUM PRIMAVERAE (Spring Festival): LIVE concert atThe Romanian Radio Academic Choir celebrating 81 years of activity!

Friday, 23 April 2021 , ora 9.01

In March 2020, THE ROMANIAN RADIO ACADEMIC CHOIR, one of the most prestigious ensembles of this kind in Romania, was to present an extraordinary anniversary concert: 80 years of artistic activity. Due to pandemics, the event was canceled. On Friday, April 23rd (from 7 p.m), after more than a year of concert break, the Radio Romania ensemble returns to the stage!

Thesuggestively titled concert "FESTUM PRIMAVERAE" ("Spring Festival"), proposes a musical "rebirth", in an evening of music broadcast LIVE on the stage of the Radio Hall.

You will enjoy a concert conducted by CIPRIAN ȚUȚU, a concert which includes works with religious themes, from the Romanian and universal repertoire. The evening program brings together composers like Rossini - Quando corpus morietur (from Stabat Mater), Ralph Vaughan Williams - Missa in G minor, Poulenc - from the choral cycle 4 motets pourun temps de pénitence, Cornelia Tăutu (in memoriam) - Religious choral triptych, Marțian Negrea - Alleluia (from Requiemop.25), Grigore Cudalbu - Festum primaverae (fragment) etc.

You will be able to enjoy listening to the members of The Romanian Radio Academic Choir as soloists: Georgiana Simonov - soprano, Grazziela Frangulea - alto, Nicolae Simonov - tenor, Cristian Coandă - bass, Simona Săndulescu - organ, Carmen Săndulescu - piano and Liviu Ofițeru - bell/percussion

The concert will be broadcast LIVE - on all frequencies of Radio Romania Cultural and Radio Romania Music - in live streaming on the Internet, on the sites www.radioromaniacultural.ro and www.romania-muzical.ro, and on the pages of FACEBOOK Orchestras and Radio and Radio Romania Musical Choirs.

Translated by Gruia Alexandra,
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year I
Corrected by Silvia Petrescu