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Pavel Bartoș in “The Bat” at the Brașov Opera!

Thursday, 9 December 2021 , ora 16.18

On Wednesday, December 8th, 2021, at 5pm, at the "Casa Mureșenilor" Museum in Brașov, we are waiting for you at the last "Recital from 5 o'clock" this year. The artists participating: Irina Iftene -soprano, Cristina Coatu - soprano, Ciprian Cucu - tenor, Cristina Ordean - oboe, Gàbor Előd - violin, Ionel Pîrlea - clarinet. Accompanied on the piano by Lioara Frățilă. In the programme, you will be able to listen to arias from the operas "The Marriage of Figaro" and "Don Giovanni" by W.A. Mozart, "Gianni Schicchi" by G. Puccini, the canzone "Non ti scordar di me" by E. de Curtis, but also chamber music: "Sonata for Clarinet and Piano" by Fr. Poulenc or "Sonata for Piano & Violin in E Minor, K. 304" by W. A. Mozart.

Ticket price: 6 lei - adults, 4 lei - retirees and 1,5 lei - pupils, students.These can be purchased from the "Casa Mureșenilor" Museum (Piața Sfatului no. 25), before the beginning of the event.

On Saturday, December 11th, 2021, at 6.30pm, at Opera House, we invite you to the performance with the most sparkling and beloved operetta known in history: "The Bat" by Johann Strauss. Composed by Johann StraussJr. and librettists Karl Haffner and Richard Genee, after the vaudeville entitled "Le Reveillon" by Henry Melhac and Ludovic Halévy, the operetta "The Bat", nicknamed "the queen of Viennese operetta", was performed for the first time at the Theater an der Wien, in 1874.

The action in this play takes place in Vienna on a New Year's Eve night. Dr. Falke prepares a prank on his friend Gabriel Eisenstein, entitled "The Bat's Revenge". In the process of it, Eisenstein falls in love with his own wife, Rosalinda, disguised as a mysterious Hungarian countess, at Prince Orlofsky's ball he becomes friends with the director of the prison, where he must serve an eight-day sentence, he flirts with his maid Adela, who, in her turn, is disguised as an artist invited to the ball of the same young and rich prince. The humor and the rhythm of this brilliant operetta unfolds with the speed and energy released by the explosion of a bottle of champagne opened on a New Year's Eve night!

The special guest in this performance is the well-known actor Pavel Bartoș, whom you will be able to watch in the role of Frosch. Along with him, two other guests, valued both by the audience from Brașov and from the rest of the country: Ana Maria Donose (as Rosalinda) and Cosmin Marcovici (as Gabriel Eisenstein), from the Romanian National Opera in Iași. The cast continues with artists from the Brașov Opera: Adela -Valentina Mărgăraș, Alfred - Liviu Iftene, Falke - Adrian Mărcan, Prince Orlofsky - Cristina Roșu, Blind - Ștefan Schuller, Frank - Dan Popescu, Ida - Alina Ichim, Ivan - Ion Tașcă (debut). The Brașov Opera's Orchestra, Choir and Ballet also participating. At the rostrum of the Brașov Opera Orchestra will be Master Mircea Holiartoc. Direction, text version, set design, stage movement and light design belong to Alice Barb. Scenography: Rodica Garștea. Choreography: Ioan Dorin Coșeriu, Alexandru Fotescu. Choreography assistant: Iulia Coșeriu. Choir conductor: Dragoș-Mihai Cohal. Directing assistant: Lăcrămioara Schuller. Stage movement assistant: Ramona Mezei. Stage director: Silvia Papadopoulos. (Photo credit - "The Bat": InStudio Brașov)

Ticket price: 70 lei (Tickets for this event are no longer available!)

On Sunday, December 12th, 2021, at 6.30pm, at the Opera House, we offer you the extraordinary concert "Sosit-a Ziua cea Sfântă" of the Brașov Opera Choir. The programme includes unique Romanian carols, orchestrated by Dragoș-Mihai Cohal, of which we mention only a few titles: "La tătă casa-i lumină", "Sus la naltu' ceriuluiu", "Juni buni colindători" or "Îmbucură-te om bun". Univ. lect. dr. Adrian Sîrbu, founder and conductor of the Byzantion psaltic music group from Iași, is a special guest. Along with the Brașov Opera Choir, the following artists from the Brașov Opera are participating: Maria Catrina - soprano, Cristina Coatu, Cristian Dicu, Emil Dumbravă, Bogdan Mirică și Mugurel Oancea - members of the Brașov Opera Choir. They will be accompanied by the Kronstadt Quartet: Adrian Pipaș - violin, Ana-Maria Pipaș - violin, Előd Gábor - viola, Zsófia Bartha - cello, and the Chamber Orchestra of the Brașov Opera: Adrian Pintea - contrabass, Diana Nedelea - piccolo, Luminița Cucu - flute, Cristina Ordean - oboe, Szabolcs Laszlo - bassoon, Liviu Săvuță - horn, Ciprian Vodă, Andrei Cotelea, Eduard Pipaș, Ștefan Piuaru, Irina Cohal - percussion, Simona Patriche - piano. The conductor of this concert is Dragoș-Mihai Cohal, the master who also trains the Brașov Opera Choir. Narrator: Lorand Cristian.

Ticket price: 40 lei (Tickets for this event are no longer available!)

Tickets are sold both online, on the website www.bilet.ro, and at the Brașov Opera, at Bisericii Române Street no. 51. Cashier Schedule: Monday - Friday, 10am - 5pm and one hour before the start of the performances (if there remain available tickets). Information can be obtained by phone: 0268-419380.

In the 2021-2022 season, children's access to opera and operetta performances is allowed from the age of 7!

Attendance at the events of the Brașov Opera is allowed only for persons who are vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2 virus and for whom 10 days have passed since the completion of the full vaccination scheme, as well as for persons between the 15th day and the 180th day after confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 infection, under the conditions established by the joint order of the Minister of Culture and the Minister of Health, issued pursuant to art. 44 and art. 71 para. (2) of Law no. 55/2020, with subsequent amendments and completions. The green certificate will be accompanied by an identity card.

The display of the performances is allowed according to the legal regulations in force with the participation of the public within the limits of 30% of the maximum capacity of the hall.

Throughout the performances, wearing a mask is mandatory! The spacing between the seats will be kept. If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection, please stay at home so as not to endanger yourself and the other participants at the event. Thank you for understanding!

Events held with the support of Brașov City Hall.

Translated by Ecaterina Bucovanu,
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year I
Corrected by Silvia Petrescu