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About music and life with conductor Christian Badea
Christian Badea - one of those names in the conducting art that Romanian music lovers only heard about after his career was "authenticated" by many international successes, on the most prestigious posters. He launched as a violinist, perfected himself abroad and then turned to conducting, benefiting from famous mentorships; active in the United States and Europe, Christian Badea divided his career between the symphonic and opera seasons, leading - as if symbolic of his artistic biography - the Spoleto Festival, with its two "versions": the one in the United States (where he debuted in 1977 and coordinated the activity for 7 years) and the one in Italy (of which he was the musical director for a decade).
But there are many biographical landmarks, spread over a large part of the world map; on the internet there is a lot of information and details about Christian Badea's appearances at the Metropolitan Opera, at Covent Garden, at the Vienna State Opera or in other well-known musical theaters of the world or on famous symphonic podiums, with rich references to chronicles and statistics, at meetings with the great artists of the musical world, with famous directors and performers.
In the words that he had the kindness to entrust to the microphone in the morning between the two concerts at the Romanian Athenaeum, in which he programmed the Fourth Symphony "of youth" by George Enescu, maestro Christian Badea did not want to talk about himself but about the purpose of art, about the duties of artists towards the public and towards the composers, about the way in which the attitude has evolved, the type of communication in the world of current musical art...
It is worth listening to the plea for the values of Culture, for Art and its Truths by watching the series of shows "About music and life... with conductor Christian Badea", starting on Tuesday, December 6th, from 7 p.m., at România Muzical (rerun on Saturday, from 1 pm)
Translated by Denisa Elena Cincă,
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year I
Corrected by Silvia Petrescu