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A.G. Weinberger Joined the 'Romanians for a World' Campaign

Wednesday, 8 May 2013 , ora 11.57
He is currently considered the only benchmark and authority in the musical field he represents - Blues, Jazz, Rock. Also known as Romania's Mr. Blues, the 'crossover' artist of international fame was remarked by the famous BB King, who characterized him as 'a very good and dynamic guitarist'.

As one of the voices of the Romanians for a World campaign, initiated by the 'Sergiu Celibidache' Foundation, A.G. Weinberger inspires hope, motivates and encourages future generations to follow their dreams!

Why hav
e you decided to join the Romanians for a World campaign?

Besides being a great admirer of Sergiu Celibidache's, I have found in the aims of the Foundation that special 'verb' that can lead us to a natural sense of dignity. Moreover, the team's tenacity and dedication are a guarantee that this much-desired objective will be reached.

Using your 'voice' for this campaign is a means of encouraging Romanians to follow their dreams, inspired by the example of your professional activity. What is your advice for those who wish to follow in your footsteps?

They shouldn't let themselves be deceived and they shouldn't mock believing in their ideals…They should assume their dreams, no matter what the conditions or the circumstances…

What criteria do you think will set apart, among the people enlisted, those who will win the preselections and get into the finale of the competition in the third stage of the campaign?

I hope that all those who can represent models of dignity will be at the start line in the finale of the competition. First of all, for the human condition in general and only after that, for the nation they are part of, their works having a global dimension.

In recent years, especially in Romania, education seems to have a lesser and lesser role in an individual's development. Who do you consider responsible for this?

The mean general mentality and the indolent refusal of taking responsibility at all levels…including the domestic and personal ones…

What are the solutions you can think of, in order to fight this situation?

Rebuilding everything from scratch, in a safe secular environment…

Romanians for a World was created for such Romanians as A.G. Weinberger; it is a social responsibility campaign at national level, initiated by the 'Sergiu Celibidache' Foundation.

It's your turn to put Romania on the map!

Further details can be found on www.romanipentruolume.ro and on the official Facebook page of the campaign http://www.facebook.com/RomaniPentruOLume

About the Campaign

Romanians for a World represents a tribute to the great Romanian personalities who have brought our country pride and glory throughout the world and it brings into focus our fellow countrymen who, through their achievements, remain immortal. The conclusion of this campaign is the organization of an online national competition (on www.romanipentruolume.ro and on the Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/RomaniPentruOLume), meant as a tribute to culture in general or to a certain cultural personality. People from different cultural fields will be able to enter the competition to present a painting, a piece of music, a sculpture, a poem etc. Following the vote of the specialists and of the sponsors, the selected competitors will enter the finale, where their creations will be judged by a jury made up of experts, as well as by the audience. The winners will win scholarships in Romania and abroad.

The campaign takes place online, at www.romanipentruolume.ro and on the Facebook pagehttp://www.facebook.com/RomaniPentruOLume, where you can find further details about this new cultural project of the 'Sergiu Celibidache' Foundation.

Translated by Mihaela Olinescu and Elena Daniela Radu
MTTLC, The University of Bucharest