> [Archived] Interviews

Interview with Mihai Iordache
On Thursday you will begin the jazz season at ARCUB and you present the Titan suite in premiere. What other surprises do you have in store?
The surprise is the suite itself. It was composed pretty fast, in just one month since I got this invite to play at ARCUB. The organisers had one condition, to be an original music and because I wanted for a long time to write something about the neighbour in which I grew up, I wrote this suite of songs. They're actually songs, some of them have some lyrics by the poet Florin Dumitrescu. The rest is just jazz.
What are the sources of inspiration for this creation?
It's about a sentimental and personal archeology. It's about my childhood and youth in Titan. I'm born in 67'. It's about the first kindergarden where I've been to unofficially, the fact that I've seen Nixon when he came in 71'. I think that in 69' we saw the Moon landing, our childish countings, school, games, the American movies, all the things that composed my childhood and teenage period, while Romania was heading towards neostalinism. We were growing and finding things and there were two opposite events- one in the society, one in our heads.
Whom will you play with?
Daniel Tores at tenor saxophon, Vlad Simon at trumpet and voice, Tavi Scurtu - drums, Dan Mitrofan at guitar and Adrian Stoenescu at organ.
What other projects are you planning?
I wish to record this suite, will also record this in concert, but being in premiere, I don't know how it will turn out. I wish to record this suite. And another album is ready, "Care cânt doar la păpădii și la frunze". It will be released this Spring.
Translated by Matei Denisa
MTTLC, University of Bucharest, 2nd year