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The Royal Camerata - the first concert of 2017
The programme will include a concerto for two pianos by Bach, a concerto by Mozart, in A major, and also Mozart's Symphony No. 40.
Why did you choose to structure it like this?
Mozart is a composer that we all love, he has a certain energy and the Camerata, as well as maestro Pierre Vallet, must have had this positive energy in mind when they thought out the programme for the beginning of the year. And Elizabeth Sombart was the one who suggested we should play Bach's concerto for two pianos in C minor.
Because you mentioned the two guests of the Royal Camerata for this concert, could you tell me about the relation you had with them.
We share a very beautiful story, especially pianist Elizabeth Sombart and I. I met her ten years ago, when I was still in France and I learnt from her that it is very important to have good relations. We had a beautiful start, in this ten years we set up a piano school, we studied musical phenomenology in depth and met extraordinary people, like maestro Pierre Vallet, with whom Elizabeth Sombart has already recorded two CDs and who was also our guest last year. I also have relationships with all of the Royal Camerata musicians, who are fantastic. Thanks to our affinity to musical phenomenology and passion for music we managed to start this beautiful project together. We want to thank everyone who will be present at this concert tomorrow night and to tell them to keep on supporting the passion of the musicians and to stay loyal to their love for our music.
Translated by Alexandra Victoria
MTTLC, 2nd year, University of Bucharest